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Everything posted by WinterWolf

  1. Probably be gone next run...things will change for sure. Blocking makes the pattern do odd things...you never know what can pop up?
  2. @The 4 Seasons: I had an inch plus for sure in Southington. But we’ll round it off to 1”. Pretty white covering all over everything..looks like early January anyway. We take, and add an inch to the stats. 17” on the season to date. Hopefully more is coming...lol.
  3. You did well considering your latitude.
  4. Yes, big cut off as you worked your way away from the south coast on that one.
  5. I understand perfectly. Thanks. BTW, Blizzard of 16 didn’t completely whiff SNE. CT shore did quite well with a foot plus, and inland areas such as where I live got 8-10”. Just north of here it dropped off a cliff though.
  6. It was a great call..nice job. Things lined up perfectly.
  7. I’m not trying to bust yours or anybody’s chops, I’m just saying, that sure we can say the pattern is setting up very nicely, and the pattern is looking epic etc etc etc.... and all the ingredients are there. But to say a record breaking 3.5 weeks is coming with 100 plus inches of snow, is not predictable 3-4 weeks out imo, prior to the barrage of storms setting in. Cuz if one or two storms miss due to a nuance here or there, the 100 inch record breaker of 15, and January of 11 is not going to happen. I guess that’s my point .
  8. Nobody predicted feb 15 or January 11 in advance. We can say the pattern setting up was looking very good, and it would be very active with Chances. But nobody could have predicted that ‘11 and ‘15 would have ended up like they did. If the Chances all hit...then that’s what happens. But nobody knows that specific outcome a month in advance is my point.
  9. You already said you’re not on the January 2011 train. So I don’t get the meaning of your post? Unless you are meaning that talk from others? Jan 2011 and feb 2015 aren’t predictable...they just happen with a good pattern and some great timing/and fortune.
  10. That NYC forum is a total sh*t show...we look way better than they do, at least most times lol.
  11. Agreed. We all want winter weather, so just let it hang out.
  12. So where do you live? Is NH just a vacation/winter home? Or is NH your primary residency?
  13. I used to love that commercial...good one.
  14. Yes, I agree. The Look is pretty good. Hope we can score going forward?
  15. I agree it does. Some good news there...we’ll see if it holds?
  16. Understood, but I would think the long range hemispheric look is even more difficult...? Just saying. The look is nice, I hope it holds.
  17. The Euro couldn’t get it right 18 hrs before, but we’re gonna believe an 11 to 15 day look lol...modeling is atrocious lately.
  18. This didn’t happen to the old Euro..under 24hrs out and it literally barfs on itself. What a poor showing by that guidance. The king is indeed dead. Oh well, on to the next potential. As Ray just said maybe that bodes well for the next possible system. I’d be cool with that.
  19. I guess we were all thinking similarly. RGEM(meso) and v16(global) holding serve with a much better look so far at 0z.
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