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Everything posted by pazzo83

  1. yeah just picked my kid up at Janney (which is about the highest point in DC, 415' or so) - wind was ripping.
  2. Man you can really hear the wind roaring up about 500-1000 ft. Sounds like a plane is parked over us - reminds me of being in Manhattan during Sandy.
  3. maybe Santa is headed to an awards show in LA or something
  4. big ol tropical raindrops here with the heavy rain - just awesome for January lol 50F with 1.21" so far.
  5. we don't have school buses (kids take public transportation, walk, or are driven) - I wonder if that is part of it.
  6. lol DCPS is like - what's the big deal?
  7. lol DC will struggle to break 20F.
  8. so many great breweries near you - seriously??
  9. honestly college too with all the realignments. Your classic Atlantic Coast Conference rivalry of Stanford and Cal, and of course the Big-10 with 18 teams.
  10. it is kind of humorous that lows in the mid-upper 30s are referred to as "cold!! bundle up in the morning!!" by local mets on TV (maybe Doug and Topper excepted) - in mid winter.
  11. on the plus side we live within an easy drive of places where 100" of snow in a season is considered a down year.
  12. i mean it generally is supposed to be easier for it to snow in CHICAGO than in the southern Mid Atlantic.
  13. i mean these are Canadian geese, did anyone think they might actually like snow? so if you seem them leaving your area, bad sign.
  14. 1.24" of rain here, briefly had a sleet/snow mix this morning. I think we can officially declare our drought to be over lol.
  15. right is this even a question? a couple 2-4" events vs 20-30"? Seriously?
  16. it must be so nice to have the upslope in your back pocket.
  17. hell yes - it's simply more pleasant out if it's in the 50s and 60s vs 20s/30s with bare ground. if you don't like the bugs - i mean, look where we live.
  18. Finally dropping a bit - 33.1 / 24.1 - a couple blocks from the Tenleytown metro station.
  19. Stuck at 33.5 to 34 here. Without CAA, we don't cool off much past 9pm.
  20. Temps steady in Tenleytown (~380ft) at around 34F for the past few hours. 34/35 at DCA.
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