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Everything posted by alex

  1. I have NO idea what any of that means But it sounds good
  2. Oh Yey! It's snowing now but lightly. At least without wind it's actually covering the picnic table
  3. Where the hell is my upslope?
  4. Hard to measure but 3.5" seems a good average for the overnight plus daytime yesterday stuff, bringing the total to 5.9". 8" at the stake
  5. The ghostly face on my house makes me chuckle
  6. It's like a damn blizzard out there. Snow coming down pretty heavily but it goes in every direction and doesn't stick to anything. I hate wind
  7. We've had just about everything today but stayed well below freezing. Freezing rain has been fairly limited, mostly snow/sleet with some freezing drizzle mixed in. Now a mix of sleet and snow with a really strong wind, makes it very difficult to tell how much we got. It's drifts everywhere
  8. 2.4" overnight. Dense snow but no sleet or freezing rain. Currently moderate snow 25/15
  9. 2.4" overnight. Wasn't expecting much of anything from this first batch so that's good. Dense snow but no sleet or freezing rain yet. Currently moderate snow 25/15
  10. Snowing better than expected. About 0.25" of accumulation so far. Bed time.
  11. I know what Darwin would say...
  12. Me likey too. Skiers, snowmobilers, etc approve.
  13. That was with installation, but not including propane hookup. We get a decent amount of outages here, so it's worth it to me. Especially with little ones. And given our propensity to flood, there's also the consideration for sump pumps which can make a big difference. It was worth it to me.
  14. We paid $7 K for a 14Kwh standby generator. Prices might be a bit cheaper up here though
  15. Thank you all. It's a struggle. I want to let him be and grow confident and unafraid and do the crazy things I've never had a the courage to Do, but at times the price you pay is a giant heartbreak. I still struggle with the memory of seeing him screaming in pain, I'd never seen him like that and it was agonizing. But he's doing much better and yesterday he had his smile back which meant the world. Thank you all for your support!
  16. That doesn't look right to me. I was in the Conway area yesterday and there essentially no snow cover
  17. Yuck. I hate ice. And fortunately we don't get a whole lot of it in my spot. Merry Christmas to all. Been a rough few days - my 5 yo broke a femur skiing on his first day of school breaj, had to be sent to Dartmouth for surgery. Came back home yesterday. It's really hard to see a kid suffer so much and be unable to do anything. Today he was in much better spirit, and that was the best Xmas present. And on that note, a solid 5" cover here but just down In Conway it's bare ground. I have to believe a brown Xmas is a pretty rare occurrence in North Conway.
  18. Which is what pi$$es me off (read thread on NNE) when they state they have 88” of snow season to date. Sure, maybe that’s what fell in some ravine on the wind protected side, but from an average skier perspective, it’s a bogus number.
  19. North Conway has been really rough this season. They have pretty much missed all the snow we got.
  20. Interesting discussion especially with the boring weather. And for the record I do find it “duping” to report from the very top when 99.9% of the trails that a skier can access fall below that. It’s in no way representative of the experience one can expect But back to snow data - Where does the Wikipedia data come from? They claim 222” as the seasonal average for Mansfield. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Mansfield
  21. Not sure about Stowe, but I was personally at Jay when they reported 9”, and it was no more than half of that. We talked for hours about how disgusting it was that they’d do that. Wildcat was pretty bad too. A dusting would be reported as 2” on a pretty routine basis (that was my home base for 2 winters).
  22. Once again, though, how do you reasonably justify that Mansfield averages more snow than a mountain that’s subject to very similar weather patterns but 2500 ft taller?
  23. That seems much more reasonable. I also don’t buy Bretton Woods’ “over 200” average” - in the couple of years I’ve been here we’ve been 150-170 and those I’m pretty sure are pretty good years, which means we are bound to have some 90 inch years that would require the really good years to be above 300 to make up for it. I’m just skeptical of that. Problem is, most of these reports come from ski resorts, which have a strong interest in pumping those numbers. When I see Mt Washington at almost 7000 feet averaging 280 (from a reliable source), I don’t see a ski resort even at 3500 ft consistently averaging above 200. And the same goes from Mansfield. It gets marginally more upslope, and marginally less synoptic snow than Mt Washington. Add in 2000+ feet of elevation difference and I don’t see Mansfield averaging more snow than Washington. But I could be wrong. I would just want to see data that’s not coming out of a marketing department of a snow related industry to believe it.
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