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Everything posted by mappy

  1. The easiest way for me to understand cap was to think of the atmosphere as a pot with a lid on it. The lid being the cap that needs to come off before any storms can develop and grow in size.
  2. From wiki, though I am sure a met could explain for you further if needed http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convective_available_potential_energy
  3. I guess the easiest way would be to create a thread for red taggers to post in where they can post images of model runs with descriptions of what it is showing. Once the initial "show and tell" is over with, people could ask questions if they don't understand what the met was saying. Though, it could be time consuming for an already busy met. What Adam did for me was he would find an hour on the model run, have me open the four-panel images and describe what it was doing and how to see the differences between a current run and the previous run. It was really helpful.
  4. This thread is great - something I would love to see in the future are more in depth explanations of threats and all the pieces involved so those of us who don't fully grasp all the working parts are able to look at a model and figure out what is going on. am19psu was doing that for me last week with the snow threat, he broke it down for me piece by piece, and after a few model runs I was able to see the different players myself.
  5. Thank you! Some of the guests drove six hours in the snow from the eastern shore to Frederick (where we got married). They were determined to get there! Sadly, we did have about 30 people not be able to make it. But I wouldn't change a thing.
  6. Cool article from the Baltimore Sun about the earthquake... in geology terms http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bs-md-quake-timeline-20110823,0,1581033.story I'd also like to note that my college advisor, GIS professor and eventually the guy who hired me and introduced me to my husband... was quoted in the article.
  7. Randy, at least you were smart and left your building. I watched my coworkers scream and run out of the office while I sat in my cube saying "awesome"
  8. I know, I'm sorry. But if it does happen again, I can make more pretty maps
  9. No, I'm sorry... That already happened and may not happen again.
  10. I didn't tell you? I paint the future
  11. Didn't feel it up north of Baltimore... The aftershock I mean
  12. I'll take zwyts off your hands for you. You can have the other two... At least you will have excellent weather obs and should an emergency come up... MoD will save you.
  13. But I'll have all the cool people on mine
  14. True, sounds like a great way to die
  15. Tehcncally earthquake would be first, hurricane second if it doesn't fish... Gotta wait a few more days for that.
  16. Lolz to the quake being a foreshock
  17. Good luck to those in the DC area trying to get home!
  18. Thank goodness you weren't out on the dam today like you were supposed to be!
  19. oh wow... yeah nothing like that here.
  20. Mod seems about right, definitely shaking and rattling going on during it. but nothing fell over, at least in my cube.
  21. damn, i was really curious to see what you felt. it was pretty wicked 3 stories up.. and yes, everyone was out on the street shortly afterwards. Though buses were still running as scheduled! haha
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