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About osfan24

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Ellicott City

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  1. I actually got hit good with that heavy blob last night and ended up with 1.25” yesterday.
  2. Coming down right now. Maybe I’ll get a half inch or so out of this batch.
  3. Seems like it. When the big slug this morning was a fail, I figured the slug for this evening would probably go the same route.
  4. It will rain a lot from December through March.
  5. Well, it's raining. I guess that's something. But radar is really uninspiring at the moment. Not sure this is going to help the drought at all unless the radar starts blowing up. Looks to be actually drying up to me at the moment. Congrats Richmond and east.
  6. Nothing here yet but looks like some rain incoming, though that stuff down in Richmond has really lightened up as it moved north.
  7. The stuff down near Richmond is what I am watching. It seems to be advancing north.
  8. Did for me. Woke up with almost nothing in the rain gauge. Not good.
  9. Yeah, it does not feel that uncomfortable out right now at all.
  10. Latest NAM is slightly more interesting. HRRR still not feeling it.
  11. Latest NAM looks like a swing and a miss. HRRR about the same.
  12. Yeah, looks like it kinda ended up with the right idea. Just a little delayed.
  13. Seems to me like the NAM was way overdone on the pop-up storms today whereas the HRRR wasn’t really buying it. Might be something to keep in mind for tomorrow.
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