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Everything posted by ILSNOW

  1. ukie showing a liitle McHenry love next Wed/Thur
  2. Ended up with about 6-7 here from Sunday night and yesterday just never got into the good snows like cook county did.
  3. 23z HRRR still bringing it with an additional 17 inches over northern cook
  4. 21z RAP still bringing the goods with an additional 14 inches for eastern lake and northern cook county
  5. Was just going to comment that the main band appears to becoming stationary just north of Evanston those towns under that band are going to get slammed
  6. plumes at ORD up to 13 edit includes snow from later in the week as purduewx80 was kind enough to point out ORD is at 9 for this storm.
  7. 3z RAP still bringing the goods with additional LE ongoing
  8. KLOT update (great writeup) https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=LOT&issuedby=LOT&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1
  9. i am going 4-8 with less in McHenry county
  10. What about the GFS v16 with about 5 for you, are u not buying it?
  11. yes but the 18z GFS doubled your snowfall and the 18z GFSV16 stayed the same so nice trends for you if u ignore the NAM
  12. yes i am a little confused as I am under an advisory for 2-5 but my forecast is for 2-4 tomorrow and and 4-7 tomorrow night
  13. KLOT update great read https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=LOT&issuedby=LOT&product=AFD&format=CI&version=2&glossary=1
  14. the 18z NAM moved back east (McHenry Snow is correct) and according to this model run he will bust high on his 1-2 inch prediction. The 3K NAM is slightly better.
  15. LOL all the the same for my backyard and all show more then 1-2 inches for u. The next time u r optimistic about a storm will be your first time. Enjoy your afternoon.
  16. Question why are they outliers when u have the GFSv16,GEM, RGEM , UKMET and both NAMS pretty much in agreement? They could all be wrong but please back up your statement.
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