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Everything posted by TheBudMan

  1. Ray from a newbie who lurks - thank you. You had a great write-up that you obviously spent a huge amount of time on. Your writing (and others in this thread) are very educational. Seasonal forecasting is hard but I love reading the winter outlooks. Keep em coming !
  2. Looking to ski Waterville Valley Sunday. Should I expect snow there going to ZR in the afternoon ? 3-6” ?
  3. Angry Scooter is the best Scooter. Ray needs a side bet with Pickles if Jerry gets a 12 incher the rest of the winter
  4. Love the attitudes of Ray and Scooter this week. Ray ready for Spring Training while Scott slapping down all the MJO/SSW muth@fukk@s who keep eagerly waiting for a 940 Dawn Awakening off CHH. They're just going to will this to happen and I approve
  5. Love Scooters attitude. His newfound anger is going to deliver us a good couple weeks finally !
  6. NE Forum Steel cage match WinterWolfie goes against Kevin or Easton in round 1 ?
  7. I'm in Chicago now Fella....getting outta town tomorrow just in the nick of time. Next week is going to be BRUTAL here
  8. Distinct memory of my head getting pelted while Ray 5 miles away danced under parachutes
  9. I seriously read this and thought blizzard24 posted it.
  10. May there be Damage and Dews and DIPAs for all ! Happy birthday to the great RevKev !!
  11. Ask WeathaFella - he's the one who submitted the report
  12. I just joined the 50 club Sunday. Remember playing frisbee in the street during the day off from Gloria :-) Diane and Jay are pups !
  13. A very unofficial report which ThurstonHowell can back up - this storm over Lowell right now producing some huge thunder. Best storm of the summer here in Lowell by far.
  14. Literally 8:07 right now. Having a DELICIOUS society and solitude #6 while thunder crashes overhead. You Sir deserve a red tag !!!
  15. SPC with a notable shift east with the SLIGHT. Hopefully Wiz is scoring summer league games today
  16. TOR warnings will be flying like Red Sox wins in the Great Barrington area tomorrow. Meanwhile Wiz is in a cafe in Danbury futilely whispering sweet nothings to a nubile coed while Sarah Mclachlan warbles faintly in the background. What a fail
  17. Yes that band from 4-8 was awesome. Just dumping snow. Looked so Curried and Ives Sent from my KFDOWI using Tapatalk
  18. Wiz just saw EML and his ball warmers are working just fine .... Need to check with Kev to see if installation should occur this weekend
  19. nice comment in boston.com today

    HubbDave wrote:

    My lawn is still covered in snow. Once that melts away (hopefully this week) I will clear the leaves. Then the oak leaves when they fall...

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