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PWC Split

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Everything posted by PWC Split

  1. Big flakes flying in Haymarket. If it was 2 hours later the roads would have already caved, but they are trying to cave in my neighborhood.
  2. Snow pack holding very strong with moderate rain and 33F in Haymarket.
  3. Great storm here in Western PWC. Measured 10.5 and we are still accumulating. .
  4. Ripping right now in Haymarket. A very pretty snow falling and definitely some high ratio stuff falling out of the sky right now. Just finished another shoveling of the driveway and sidewalks and we are just short of 8 inches, maybe we can squeeze double digits out of this.
  5. Clouds seem a little bit thicker and it is noticeably darker. This seems to be allowing the snow to stick a bit better to the roads and sidewalks now. We saw some pretty moderate snow for about 90 minutes between 10:30 and noon but it did not stick to roads at all. 29F -SN with 7.3 inches in Haymarket @2pm.
  6. Big fatties falling from the sky in Haymarket. Hopefully that heavy stuff slightly to the south works its way up the James Madison Highway.
  7. The plows have been working hard in the neighborhood. I believe the HOA is going to blow the winter budget on this event. Obviously they don't know that we are entering an epic pattern for the next few weeks.
  8. First plow came through about 15 minutes ago and we are covered back up. Transitioning to bigger flakes in the last 5 minutes
  9. Not too heavy, but steady, and it seems to be a much higher ratio snow then it was an hour ago. 28/28.
  10. Just had a nice, treacherous drive home from the local watering hole and there is no lull here in Haymarket. A little over 2 inches and coming down very nicely. 28/28
  11. Flake size much larger, steady light snow beginning to stick on surfaces other then patio and mulch. Temp dropped to 31.
  12. Flurries here at the Wegmans in Gainesville.
  13. 33/19 in Haymarket. Birds were singing loudly this morning.
  14. WTF TenMan my baro is 30.25...I thought that was a good number for snow
  15. Nada! Looks like 4 miles away according to radar
  16. That 66 cutoff is perfect. It has to stop somewhere though. Where is @SnowGolfBro? How is Montclair doing?
  17. I am 3.5 miles north of 66, usually a better spot, but not this time. I hope Dumfries gets 3-5 inches.
  18. Looks like 66 may be the cut off.
  19. @BristowWx I am waiting for your report of flakes flying, then @Wonderdog corroborating. Gotta be less then 10 miles away from at least some flurries.
  20. Absolutely pouring big, fat flakes right now, just over 3 inches now in Haymarket.
  21. Moderate snow and roads covered here in Haymarket.
  22. I am 8 miles NW (Haymarket) of you Wonderdog, but unfortunately I don’t think it will make much of a difference this time. We do love a good CAD event at the base of Bull Run “mtn” but climo is a B.
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