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Everything posted by CPcantmeasuresnow

  1. 0.8 on the snowboard as of 1:00 PM snow picked up again so I may even break an inch, 8.8 now for the season.
  2. Should we actually get Plowable snow Monday night, I’m back to rooting for a cold March. The 52 projected on Thursday is already annoying me. One thing at a time I know. Let’s see some significant snow first.
  3. For March it would be 10-1 it does. For April even money.
  4. In this case it makes a lot of sense. You want to build your current models around what your current date averages are and they continue to increase over the last 60 years. Today’s set up would not yield the same result that 30 years ago did.
  5. I’m sitting at 8 inches even for the season with no more than 2.5 in any one event. To me this season is an obvious F so far, and if I have another another March 2018 and first week April where I received 50 inches it can’t make up for the worst late November through end of February I’ve ever experienced. Even another March 2018 makes this a D+. You can never make up for losing the holidays, the lowest Sun angle month and the entire month of January and February and record warmth both months. March 1888 can’t rectify what we’ve already endured, but that might come close.
  6. I seriously doubt it, but if it did happen I’m sure those of us in the HV would do pretty well too. With that said it wouldn’t save this Winter for me. A month of winter in March and a week in April wouldn’t undo three and half months of total crap.
  7. What an easy marker you are. So the worst winter so far in New York City history and you give it an F+? I don’t see how it’s anything other than an F minus right now. It’s actually so bad we should create the letter G just to grade this winter. if somehow New York City received 30 inches of snow in March to bring it a normal snowfall winter, and temperatures in March actually were normal or slightly below the top grade that could be achieved right now is a D, and that’s best case scenario. In my opinion of course. I live 50 miles north of New York City so I grade my winters differently. I want at least 45 days of snow cover, average snowfall and average temperatures for a season to receive a B minus. With 8 inches of snowfall so far and snow cover for six days, and no ice to speak of, and above normal temperatures pretty much straight for two months, this is a G- right now.
  8. Pretty rare for that area from one event. Since the 1880’s they have had only 5 storms of 17 or more inches. In the same time period NYC has had 16 storms of 17 or more inches.
  9. Good grief, when is someone going to take this model out back and put it out of its misery. Yet I can’t tun away.
  10. For the city and coastal plain maybe. We in the northern areas of suburbs still have our share of significant snows during that period, but in this year of no winter I’m already at the point of not caring.
  11. Someone posted in the main thread a couple of days ago how even in a good winter we go through stretches like we have this February, really? I'm old enough to remember taking my jacket off in February because I couldn't believe it was in the high 40's. Low to mid 60's in January and February for several days, with 50's every third or fourth day, I never remember anything close.
  12. I’m usually the type that will take snow during any month, just to add to totals, but after this miserable whatever it was, certainly not winter, should there be a snowy cold March, which is 100 to 1 against at this point I would just look at it like mother nature giving us the middle finger. That sentence was for too long. I probably should’ve made it three or four sentences.
  13. True but other than that one storm most of that winter was mild and snowless, with the warmest December in history beating the old mark by 7 degrees. I’ll pass on another one of those. I still prefer winters with several storms of moderate size, with prolonged snow cover and average to slightly below average temperatures. Of course even up where I am in Orange County those are getting less and less frequent.
  14. The February 26, 2010 storm actually did bring over 20 inches to New York City. Actually 20.9 inches in Central Park. That’s still the biggest snowfall of my life up in orange county, highland mills and Monroe both recorded 35 inches from that storm. I think we’re confusing two different events here.
  15. I had snow on the ground everyday in March 2018 and even into the first several days of April. Of course it took 50 inches of snow in total from March 2 to April 3 to make that happen. Unfortunately I doubt that’s in the cards again.
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