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Everything posted by dailylurker

  1. Bro? You finally got struck? Awesome lol I've come within 100' of a strike about 5 times in my life. I've witnessed 3 stress being hit. I was skateboarding on a golf course path when I was 17 and the tree next to it was struck and the power knocked me off my skateboard. I've always been into weather so every strike I've witnessed was awesome lol. I even saw a lightning bolt during a snowstorm. I saw a house in Cape May NJ get hit and catch fire right in front of me. I've been nearly hit by trees blowing down. I have lots of experiences.
  2. Spring chickens are out and greenhouse is being unloaded. Severe beautiful warning in effect all evening.
  3. Same here! Only 42 at my place this morning. Can't wait to get my weed plants in! Tomatoes and other stuff too of course lol
  4. This seems like a flood threat more then severe for the DC area. Looks like some training storm moving into my area in a few minutes.
  5. Potato plants are coming up and the greenhouse door is open. Beautiful morning. Looking forward to the rain later. The air is nasty.
  6. Yup. Always tempting to plant during a warm spell in April but that's a rookie mistake. I've got my plants safely in my greenhouse right now with a temp of 78. I'll plant in mid May. I'll have some big starter plants. July first I'll have a new addition to my annual garden. Putting in new beds to make room for huge weed plants lol Low 32 with frost.
  7. Looks like it snowed here. We got crushed here with hail. It just kept coming and coming. Some stones are half inch. Best storm I've seen in many years. Lots of lighting along with it.
  8. Sky pretty much cleared out here in Carroll County.
  9. And it missed me. This winter fucking blows. I noticed we were allowed to curse this winter on the board. There
  10. Flurries starting. Looks like a period of snow for my county this morning. Edit: Coming down harder and radar looks impressive for Carroll County. Mini blizzard for Parrs?
  11. Yeah it's because I moved up here almost 2 years ago. There's been nothing lol. I even live at like 1000' elevation.
  12. Some of us with elite climo are interested lol. Cloudy, dark and cold out there. I'm going to enjoy my one day of winter. Radar to our west looks juicy. That band seems to be increasing in intensity.
  13. Probably cold at your place. During the first flurries we dropped to 33 here above 800'. You're at 1050?
  14. 33 with flurries. 3 degrees colder above 800'. 36 a few miles away.
  15. Big gust rocking the house. One thing I noticed about this area at higher elevation then Annapolis area is the wind. A once in 5 year wind event in that area happens like 3-4 times a winter here. 50-60 mph gust are common here.
  16. Heavy snow shower came through and topped the trashcan. Second biggest snow of the season lol
  17. We had a solid car topper here as a heavy snow band moved through. The temp fell to 32 breafly as the big flakes came down hard.
  18. I had some nice lightning, wind and pea size hail for about 3 minutes. Fun storm.
  19. I wouldn't mind a spring thunderstorm today. It is spring.. I'll be watching the sky.
  20. What happened to the old Ji? He would of s*it on every model run this entire hot turd winter lol
  21. Another beautiful spring morning in the 60's.
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