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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. I’m about 100 miles to your SW surrounded by cornfields. Will by following your updates to see how far off I ended up from the real goods
  2. It’s unreal. Posters just looking for the worst model run and saying “this is the one that’s true! Cancel everything”
  3. I think Chicago crew is swinging the pendulum too far the other way now. Local Mets still have decent storm totals for Chicago. Nothing like originally advertised but still a decent snowfall is being forecast as of this morning. 3-7 seems to be the spread
  4. Local Mets over at WGN seem to be going with 5-7 area wide as of this morning.
  5. For sure. I think this sub overall felt they jumped the gun and RC alluded to LOT getting pulled into the fray due to other offices wanting to coordinate I just think it’s objectively fair to say that the alarm was sounded too early I appreciate all the Mets who drop in and give us their expert opinions. Can’t win them all
  6. Brutal AFDs from wx offices yesterday if this one ends up crapping the bed.
  7. Trending towards some aggressive final calls tomorrow
  8. If this morning is any indication of how our tax dollars are being spent here in the 312, it’s going to be a long winter of slick slippery roads. It’s like they didn’t even try to work the roads, haven’t seen a single plow yet. what a city!
  9. Haven’t had this kind of feel to a day(s) before January in many many years it feels like. Coming down at a nice wintry clip here in IKK with a bit of wind.
  10. GHD 1. Was living at the time about 11 miles due south of MDW and I feel like that was pretty much the epicenter of the beast. We had a roaring fire going before the storm started. Two cases of beer out on the back deck. And a couple of shovels As the storm started cranking up people came on down to hang by the fire and drink. We had legit thundersnow that got a reaction from everyone. I lived in a cul-de-sac and it was always plowed last so the whole block as just outside having a blast, marveling at the intensity of the storm. Went to bed and woke up to find that it looked like I had never shoveled at all. Drifts up over car hoods and kids playing in the street Good times
  11. Can’t buy a soaking here in IKK. Crazy how dry it’s been
  12. Feels like today is going to over perform temp wise here in EC IL. That sun it hot and it’s very humid out.
  13. Worst stretch of weather for our area that I can remember. Started a couple weeks before April 1st as well. I had two weeks off between jobs in late March and it was miserable then too. I remember being bummed having time off and the weather being so trash. Close to 8 weeks straight of cold rain and raw weather
  14. Crazy we didn’t get a spring this year at all
  15. Real soupy feeling real quick here once the rain ended in the IKK
  16. Fwiw that’s how I see it as well. Winter to summer happens all at once lately and same with summer to winter. Two seasons, winter and summer, both last about 6 months now
  17. Supposed to be 68 today here in the IKK. Currently feels like 55
  18. 5 straight weeks of trash weather. Quite an impressive run
  19. One of the worst two week stretches of weather I can remember. March is winter.
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