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King James

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Everything posted by King James

  1. I’m in Momence, didn’t see the funnel
  2. Fun lil game I get to play opening and closing windows with these big gusts of rain
  3. Good amount of sun and wind right now 2pmish
  4. Been outside all day. Very warm and humid. Filtered sun makes it tough to work. Breezy but no different than most days this spring/summer so far here in IKK
  5. Lightning and thunder just after sunset. Blew up just to my west. Perfect summer evening
  6. Kinda chilly under these clouds. Hard to believe tomorrow will be in the 90s
  7. Protestors in Kankakee and around Olivet university
  8. How else were they going to change the news cycle. Hard to drop 3 months of non stop coverage without having something else queued up Our reality is carefully crafted. TV is programming of the mind, nothing more We should all be outside doing what we love, enjoying the weather Love your family and be good to your neighbors all.
  9. Can’t get on board with that. But that’s okay. We are free to go our own ways. Be tolerant
  10. It appears a good majority of us have simply continued on with life. We are not special. Find love in your heart my man. We are all free to roam this earth as we choose. Different view points and all
  11. Preaching to the choir on that one my man
  12. Become as self sufficient as possible. Stop participating in the consumption
  13. Didn’t take long for everything to flood again in the backyard. Sun is back out
  14. Hang in there man, looks like a big one coming
  15. Warm and muggy. Sweat through the ball cap in no time. It’s going to pour later. You’re welcome for da pic
  16. Filtered sun here in IKK. Feels like the best start to a stormy day in awhile
  17. 4 days in a row, it’s been brutal. Laughed to myself this morning realizing it’s almost June. May was really a waste. A few beautiful days but mostly remember it as rainy and cool
  18. Another day of clouds. 4 in a row. Tough stuff mentally 14 of the last 16 months have been below average sunshine according to Skilling
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