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40/70 Benchmark

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Everything posted by 40/70 Benchmark

  1. The kicker out west is weaker, too.
  2. Late blooming nuke....cute. Lets see how the week plays out, but my post frequency is on the rise again.
  3. S stream looks much healthier on the EURO....we'll see if the timing is right with the N stream..
  4. You mean for now? Agreed, but not as a result.
  5. I still find it hard to believe that we don't get a healthy dose before spring arrives. I won't admit defeat on that until some point in April.
  6. February Recap; March Preview And Late Week Winter Storm Potential February Review Yet another mild month is in the books, as the January through February mid tier of winter has been one of the warmest on record across the northeastern US. While a mild middle portion of winter was anticipated here at Eastern Mass Weather, it has verified significantly milder than expected, which was a potential specified last fall in the event that the robust polar vortex did not weaken. Here are our expressed thoughts from last November: "Full-fledged RNA ensues for February, as any influence that weak el nino or warm-neutral coupling had established may die. In The polar vortex will need to relent, or this will be a very mild month with the storm track west. +1to +2 throughout the northeast. +2 to +3 in the mid atlantic. Beware an eventful president's day should blocking establish itself. February 17-March 2nd may be conducive."- Eastern Mass Weather 11-13-19 Obviously the polar vortex has not relented as intimated it would. This is the reason that winter has never recovered and the identified 2-17 to 3-2 window will fail to produce a major winter storm, since the Pacific has remained hostile, as anticipated. The result is that the northeast has verified closer to +3 to +4 above average for the month of February, as opposed to the forecast of +1 to +2F. The mid atlantic +5 to +6F, instead of the expected +2 to +3. While February did in fact verify slightly warmer than expected, the forecast was much more accurate than the absurdly warm January 2020, which was one of the warmest winter months in recorded history. As tempting as it may be to declare winter officially over, old man winter still has one final chance for redemption. March Preview The eastern Mass Weather forecast for March appears largely on track, with some warmer potential. The expressed narrative sentiment from this past fall is as follows: "Winter will be waning long before month's end in the absence of high latitude blocking, given the hellacious southeast ridge in place. However, at least some sustained blocking is likely. And since there will be cold air lurking to the north at the very least, this does not look like a "dead-ratter", even without blocking. Temperatures should average around 1 degree below normal in New England, and around normal in the mid atlantic". The forecast will likely verify somewhat warmer than the forecast -1 departure, since again, the polar vortex has remained stout and no blocking of any kind looks to materialize. The outlook hedged on at least some modest blocking. But the notion that there should be cold air lurking nearby throughout Canada does indeed appear valid, so there should be continued opportunities for snowfall for at least northern New England. And southern New England has a window of opportunity before milder weather returns towards mid month, as implied last fall in the absence of blocking. Pacific Flex March 6-10 Ironically enough, it appears as though a several day relaxation of the predominately hostile Pacific regime appears to set the stage for a potential winter storm around March 6. While the north atlantic and arctic, which were forecast to become more favorable around this timeframe, remain unfavorable for winter storms across southern New England. However, despite the largely unfavorable north atlantic, long range guidance is hinting that a pseudo 50/50 low feature may be fortuitously timed (or unfavorably, dependent on perspective) with the approaching system. This is denoted on the European ensemble guidance: The Canadian: And the GFS ensemble: It is unlikely that winter is over given the climatology of seasons that have produced major early December snowfalls such as this one, so stay tuned-
  7. https://easternmassweather.blogspot.com/2020/02/february-recap-march-preview-and-late.html
  8. I can't believe that you were able to dig up a Hadley cell self quote. Must have been a tall task..
  9. DT sucked again, too. Forecasting extreme anomalies is risky...I pulled it off in February 2018, but it needs to be a big signal. I wasn't as confident of an extremely warm mid season, this year, but I was warm with a quick and proficient PV recovery after the fast start. I felt there was the chance of a less hostile arctic/atlantic regime setting up late, but that looks dubious now. I was all over the RNA. Decent forecast for me, but a crap ending will put a dent into it.
  10. I'm not gone in the sense that I'm confident that it won't snow again. I'm gone in the sense that nothing is imminent, the pattern doesn't look great and I have too much going on to keep waiting.
  11. No way....he will lead the league in pinstripes, though...Severino in first RD .
  12. I hedge towards some late season action, so I may take a hit for that if nothing changes. Much better call than last season, though.
  13. Well, show me who predicted a virtual snowfall shutout for Jersey...even @Isotherm didn't. Lets let March happen before grading it.
  14. No one has been perfect, but @raindancewx has been as good as anyone over the course of the past two seasons. It would be nice to have him on our side next year. Lol
  15. Yea....we needed some atlantic and arctic help in the second half and it just hasn't happened.
  16. Passive aggressive attempt. Whiff..... Doesn't look good, but still time left.
  17. Take the under on southern edge of wxbell graphics.
  18. I don't blame you, but I do recall you explicitly wondering if winter had showed its hand after the fast start. Not knocking you.....no one has absolutely nailed this season.
  19. Yea, you were saying that same thing in December lol. Tough to ever tell for sure..
  20. Yea, I was the other poor soul in the car....projectiles just streaming down your Explorer....a defeated, weathered, middle age man slumped against the door trying to collect himself...
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