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  1. Past hour
  2. Yeah. The storm is still there and not moving
  3. Just picked up .20” of rain from a very heavy shower. Temp made it up to 92 before the rain. Extremely muggy 79 now with steam rising from everything. First rain since May 27
  4. LOLLLL. I have had it on for 4 months.
  5. Radar estimating 4"+ just north west of Easton, 1"-3" across town so far.
  6. Radar looking good to my west. Always love a mature QLCS. They’ve been rare the past 3 summers here.
  7. Might be white pine blister rust, though the lower pic looks odd, with browning branches all around below a green top.
  8. A complex mesoscale environment is evident over Oklahoma this afternoon. An area of low pressure exists near the Red River in southwestern Oklahoma with another weak low possible over northwestern Oklahoma. 20z subjective surface analysis: A diffuse, remnant outflow boundary/effective warm front is draped from west-central to south-central Oklahoma. SW of this boundary, dew points are in the mid-70s. To the NE, cloud cover has limited daytime heating over OKC metro, but clouds are eroding and temperatures are warming. There is some residual convective inhibition across central and eastern Oklahoma. CINH is minimal in western Oklahoma, where storms could initiate as early as 22-23z. Storm mode and coverage are major question marks, but there may be a narrow window for semi-discrete supercells, between 23-01z. The range of outcomes is fairly high given lower than usual confidence with a short term forecast. I could see storms blob into an MCS fairly quickly, or you could see isolated, transient supercells for a few hours. Instability is large (MLCAPE >3000 J/kg), but deep layer shear is on the marginal side, around 25-30 knots. We’ll see what happens.
  9. Today
  10. WB 18Z 3K NAM.... needed rain on the way tomorrow....
  11. Grass can brown up quick this time of year. Usual sunny/dry spots looking like summer in just a 7-10 day period.
  12. Not saying when but in due time it will. While this pattern is stubborn, weather is cyclical by nature. Who can forget the string of great winters the metro had a decade ago? All good and bad patterns ultimately come to an end.
  13. You'd think the Midwest summertime climate change hole would show up in the data for Des Moines. I'm seeing a nearly 8F/century rise since 2001, and a 2.9F/century rise over the past 50 years. Wait until you guys get a load of the Td increases over that same time! Wet bulb temperatures are probably rising at twice the rate of the dry bulb readings.
  14. I'm on day 8 in a row with measurable rainfall, with several multi-inch events within this span. Tomorrow morning will likely be day 9.
  15. I don’t think people know what it’ll feel like if we actually get a -3 type month. Ice age stuff. And these are on the recent normals too, the 1980-2010 set would be even more.
  16. I will grant him that the temperatures from that era were inflated, but not because of asphalt or dirt. The HO-83 hygrothermometer was defective and produced spuriously warm temperatures.
  17. And for the west Pac to cool, too. But no sign of that happening yet.
  18. We can thank Climate Change for a lot of things...including the fact that the Central PA Spring thread was more active most of today than the current thread!
  19. Here's another good one from January 1, 1992. "The thermometer may have been placed at times over asphalt or dirt, rather than over grass as it is supposed to be." Meanwhile, the old records were taken on asphalt rooftops. Make it make sense. I wonder what Mr. Hendricksen's excuse would be today, when pretty much every year is as hot or hotter than 1991.
  20. Every squall line ends up at Shreveport yesterday's nearly 24-hour long squall line produced severe weather towards Mississippi and Louisiana heavy rain
  21. Gotta love these oldies, but goodies. Like this passage from the Globe in 1991. You know who was right? Dr. Hansen. Pinatubo did drop global temperatures in 1992 & 1993, and then did rebound to record breaking levels in the 1990s. You know who was wrong? The so-called state climatologist.
  22. If that’s a question. ….. nothing. If that a statement, ….. you’re in good company. Stay well, as always …….
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