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About osfan24

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Ellicott City

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  1. Yeah, it does not feel that uncomfortable out right now at all.
  2. Latest NAM is slightly more interesting. HRRR still not feeling it.
  3. Latest NAM looks like a swing and a miss. HRRR about the same.
  4. Yeah, looks like it kinda ended up with the right idea. Just a little delayed.
  5. Seems to me like the NAM was way overdone on the pop-up storms today whereas the HRRR wasn’t really buying it. Might be something to keep in mind for tomorrow.
  6. More rain today than the entire week so far. A mist transitioned into a light, steady rain.
  7. Feels like models in general have played up the rain this week that hasn't happened. I wasn't expecting periods of rain but I haven't seen a drop.
  8. I was wondering what happened. The rain was just about to pull out and suddenly it got very windy here. Did not see any trees down, but tons of small and medium sized branches everywhere.
  9. LOL. Now we are.......two weeks away! And out to March 26!! If we just keep going long enough, we can get back to December!
  10. As opposed to our boundary temps in January and February?
  11. Kinda hard to deny what is happening when you see that.
  12. I am actually surprised we haven't gotten more big March storms lately. It seems more just like really bad luck than anything else. Crazy stuff can happen in March.
  13. When is the PDO going to flip positive? When was it last positive?
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