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About NTXYankee

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)

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  1. Same rinse and repeat pattern of the last several years rolling into March. Endless cutoff lows until Memorial Day will start showing up, severe weather season squashed, and snow. The only difference from the last several years is with La Niña disappearing we roll into a below normal summer to continue the misery.
  2. Looking forward to another year of endless cutoff lows, clouds, cold, and snow until May. It’s as if it just ended not too long ago, oh wait. Maybe we’ll get a couple well above normal days each month to skew the monthly numbers and say it was above normal. No severe weather season in the spring to make winter less miserable or more than likely the rest of the year as has been the case. Summer will last a couple months if that then rinse and repeat again. Living north of the Ohio River is so enjoyable….
  3. This wouldn’t shock me, Memorial Day last year was miserable for Ohio so why stop the trend of people regretting coming up here thinking the crap was over.
  4. Good, let it torch until September. I can’t get a decent storm so might as well enjoy the heat.
  5. Yep, winter dominates and summer shows up for about 3-4 months up here anymore. It’s really sad when Minnesota can have enhanced risks that pan out and a slight risk barely materializes this way. I stopped looking forward to severe weather season several years ago in central Ohio. Once the snow stops at the end of April just bring on the SE Ridge, it saves frustration, I don’t mind the heat. Thought the early active track would change things, it didn’t. Just blew past us and up north.
  6. Pathetic severe weather season yet again, but it can snow through April in Ohio, the new norm. Bring on the extreme torch and end this miserable, laughable season already of rain showers with embedded boring thunder.
  7. Likewise, there are people that like it here and that’s fine but most grow tired of it or never get used to it if they have moved here due to job like myself and why the sunbelt and southwest are so popular.
  8. Is it really a pattern change when the same pattern of below normal and winter shows up every week? Probably want to get used to this, it appears to be the norm for the Midwest and Ohio Valley, north of the Ohio River anyway. I miss Texas, I would rather deal with 3 months of intense heat instead of 6-8 months of miserable cold and snow 70% of the time. This part of the country stinks.
  9. lol ok I ticked the masses off in the other thread, coming back here for safety with my Ohio folks. Even though I’m a transplant
  10. For the same reason anyone outside of Chicago cares in this storm discussion about only Chicago.
  11. Columbus is the only Midwest city to gain a large number of new residents. You don’t become number 14 for losing.
  12. lol yes, we’ll gain that many from Michigan alone.
  13. At the rate Columbus is growing, we’ll surpass Chicago soon enough. Also this is an Ohio Valley section not Chicago and vicinity.
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