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Everything posted by NorthArlington101

  1. live each snowstorm like it's your last. I bought sleds and plan to hit the streets around 3am before the elementary school students ruin the slopes.
  2. For all the jokes about late warnings they did well in January. Excited to see them optimistic.
  3. this is one I’m ditching downtown for to gain my 360” of elevation in Arlington back. And like an extra 2 miles north. I was kinda hoping to ride it out downtown but as I said earlier I’m spooked
  4. Soon as CWG puts out their bullish map. That 12z run is OK but we're running out of wiggle. I'm officially spooked
  5. True, but I can count on my hands the times ratios have saved me. I'd rather not be counting on them tbh. Nice bonus but I'm pretty positive when @MN Transplant checks the SLR in the morning around the Beltway it'll be like 8:1 lol
  6. 3" is kind of my over/under around D.C., and this is the under, thus I reject it. My comfort is that UKIE maps suck on Pivotal. Possible there is more snow here than it shows. Or less
  7. Good thing these trends didn’t pan out for the last storm, which really went exactly as we thought 12 hours out
  8. What I think I’ve picked up over the past day is that Kuchera heavily weights ground temps in its formula. There are “other” ways to try and calculate it, and some of the better Mets think they’ll be higher. I’m expecting 8:1 as always seems to actually fall. Rates never save anyone in the Beltway… but maybe some folks will do better.
  9. I think the Pivotal maps might've got to the end... but here are the WxBell ones. 12k Kuchera 3k Kuchera
  10. Meh. I mean we’re talking a difference of 0.05” here and there. We won’t know til after it hits. How many rainstorms are off by a tenth here or there, unfortunately
  11. Pushed back south… north is the failure mode for DC so I’m happy. But worse for MD/PA border. If the dual banding thing is real someone will definitely “lose.” Just hoping the loser still gets enough to cover the grass (2”)
  12. While I’m posting tweets… the GRAF lol https://x.com/miketfox5/status/1758288335070740559?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg
  13. https://x.com/wxmvpete/status/1758305044875587626?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg
  14. 10:1 allows people to make their assumptions, but fair. If you really want to know
  15. yeah, was coming on to say the RGEM looked good enough for D.C... likely unhappy if you are elsewhere.. The high-res version was nice at 12z too... 3+ for most.
  16. Our seasonal south trend will save us. Or the fact that it's only the ICON. Idk which yet
  17. I can’t remember the last time @MN Transplant reported in his ratios and we had more than 10:1 in and around the Beltway. That may because I have a godawful memory but I’m never counting on more than 10:1… and should probably be expecting worse.
  18. https://x.com/accurayno/status/1758228497028219199?s=46&t=YRAxGyE8QLsoshMtJniktg
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