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Everything posted by KamuSnow

  1. 1.25" of rain here last night. Currently 50F, partly cloudy and "breezy".
  2. 61F here, not a cloud in the sky at the moment. Fuzz (grass) uprising is happening!
  3. Wow, only got down to 38F here. 42 currently.
  4. I had a pair of those skis, maybe a slightly later version, the poles were aluminum. Got pretty good at walking with skis on thanks to those. The first time I went to an actual ski place I took those, some friends took me to Elk Mountain. When you can first see how high the mountain is, I was like are you serious? Lol....I'm pretty sure I wound up renting skis and boots that day.
  5. Don't forget to wax those runners! Although you'll probably need to sand off the rust first, lol.
  6. Flexible Flyer! Great on hard packed snow too, after a warm up with some rain and then refreezing. We'd make a sled train by hooking your feet into the front of the sled behind you. Good stuff, lol. Sorry about your dad passing at a relatively young age :-( The low here was 36.3, currently 40.3.
  7. Lol...was it Bill Weber who had Elmo deliver the forecast? I drove through a freshly plowed mound left by a plow going through a cross street right near the end of the 1st President's day blizzard that had to be 3 or 4 feet high. Fortunately I was going downhill at a reasonable speed and the snow was dry. I didn't see it until too late but went right through it and left an outline of my car, lol.
  8. Just had a sprinkle here, 52F. Looking forward to a sunny day tomorrow.
  9. Made me think of an episode when I was around 9 or 10, it was January, and raining on a Sunday, but supposed to change to snow that night. So with my 2 younger brothers we decided it would be cool to get up around 3 am, take our sleeping bags and camp out under a rectangular trampoline we had leaned up against the garage. We did, and it did snow, about 4 to 6 inches, but it was too cold so we decided to do some sledding on a hill next to our house. We came in around 5 or 5:30 and were watching some kind of farm report waiting for school closing info when Mom came downstairs. We were like oh we just came down early to see if we had school. Except the snow on the hill was totally trampled, which you could see once it got light out, lol. Fortunately we didn't have school, since we had been awake since 2 am.
  10. High here today was 51F. Currently 45 and partly cloudy. Those showers to the west are moving pretty quickly, probably be here by 9:30 pm.
  11. 1.65" total rainfall since last evening, 47F currently with a little drizzle and a fair amount of wind, 20-30 mph or so (at times). Lots of leaves all over the place!
  12. Thanks - this has been a tough fall for dirt work and seeding, first too hot, then too wet, then too cool. Makes it interesting though! Low here was 35F, currently 38. Gonna be a cloudy cool day...hope we get one of these in 2 or 3 months with the temps about 15 degrees cooler. Like those Friday night snows....
  13. Yeah, and if we ever get a snowmaking machine that's where it would be!
  14. Life's little pleasures - this hill was all dirt 3 weeks ago. Seeded it 20 days ago and now it's ready for a snow pile . On the other hand, an area I seeded 10 days ago is just now starting to show a little fuzz. A little too chilly for germination with these temperatures, so I'm hoping for an Indian Summer in November....
  15. That's going way out on a limb, lol...but hey, where can you sign up for that?
  16. Yeah I did check it out, it was awesome! 44F here currently, breezy but not windy.
  17. Currently 37F here, but it did make it down to 33F sometime after midnight. Got some clouds here now which explains the temp. rise.
  18. Had 0.14" of rain overnight. Currently 58F here with the sun peeking through the clouds a bit.
  19. I'd give today a passing grade down this way, and a 3.5 out of 4 overall (down here), which is pretty good compared to the last ... 2 months?
  20. Years ago I put a new boiler in our 1st house and October 19th was the day we turned the heat on. Over the years that date has been pretty consistent give or take, although here ours has been on since Tuesday.
  21. Made it to 35F here, 36F currently. Some ice on the windshield and some frost on the grass, so first frost is in the books. Not too bad out with no breeze to speak of.
  22. Back down to 43F here now, temp. is falling fast. Prolly a frost here tomorrow morning...
  23. Yeah I saw it was 43 at 4 am and it dropped to 37 here too. 38 currently, hopefully lot's of sun again today, although it's partly cloudy at best right now.
  24. The next 3 weeks should take some the excess heat out of the Great Lakes at least.
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