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Everything posted by KamuSnow

  1. Might be a little rainy tonight down here in extreme SE PA but looks good up your way.
  2. 3.0" on the nose at 5 am. Starting to let up again. Still 28F.
  3. Just measured 1.9" here at 4:30, picking back up to perhaps moderate rates now.
  4. Looking at the HRRR and the radar, might be outta here by around 6 am - quick hitter! Good thing I set the alarm, lol.
  5. Let up a good bit here, light snow now. You should get hit pretty good over the next hour looking at the radar.
  6. Part one is ongoing now, have about 1.5" on the ground as of 3:45 am, heavy snow at the moment. 28F. Set my alarm for 3:30, looks like it started about an hour ago.
  7. I like all snow, lol. I do enjoy spring but it's too early, so let it snow, I say.
  8. Feels almost winter of yore-ish!
  9. Hello and welcome. Think snow!
  10. Temp. here went up 2 degrees, to 30F currently. DP is 20F. T minus 5 hours till snow, may try and get some sleep, lol.
  11. I'd go with about 60% of those amounts, and I'd be very happy.
  12. Did he ever try his poetic forecasts on you guys before he went live with them?
  13. Yes he does! It was disappointing when KYW stopped using Accuweather, years ago he always gave you good info about what was actually going on especially with impending snow events. Hope he enjoys his retirement!
  14. I posted this in the March 1st thread, but it applies here too. Based on the 18z suite so far, I'll take the NAMs for tonight and Friday night, and the ICON for Sunday night, please . Can we mix and match?
  15. Based on the 18z suite so far, I'll take the NAMs for tonight and Friday night, and the ICON for Sunday night, please . Can we mix and match?
  16. I imagine they'll bump it up to reflect latest guidance, which has pretty much all increased an inch or more since the 0z suite, which was likely part of the basis for those maps.
  17. That's 18z...fv3 0z not on TT yet. But yeah, it's nice to look at :-).
  18. That gives you 5 1/2", not too bad if it were to verify.
  19. Nams have been liking this consistently for a couple of days. I'm in.
  20. Good thing we've had plenty of practice this winter. I'm almost, I said almost, numb to it. Probably because spring could be around the corner. I still think we'll get something in the next 10 days or so though.
  21. Down this way we've had a little MA overflow, otherwise we'd probably be at around 10". Interesting as you said, from a technical standpoint anyway.
  22. You're good - that was me trying to be funny. I guess the mock authoritarian tone didn't come through. We're pretty relaxed here, sometimes a moderator from NY will stop in and take our pulse. A couple more snows would be nice - we've had to work hard for our snow this winter, especially RedSky.
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