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Everything posted by KamuSnow

  1. Just measured 0.6" - probably more like moderate snow now. 28F and DP 24F. Just restarted the snow pile, lol (disappeared on Friday).
  2. Good steady light snow here, 29F. Except for a sunny area of the driveway, things are whitening up!
  3. I didn't realize we were ignoring it. Personally I like what it shows, but a blend is meaningful, especially with mesos at this point (for the next 48 hours). We're not against it, lol.
  4. Light snow just started here after a bit of virga. Currently 30F, DP 18F. eta: Started with a mix of flake sizes, so it was easier to see, unlike the last couple that started with pixie dust.
  5. Something to get us in the mood for snow (as if we needed it), from 9 years ago tomorrow, taken in the late afternoon:
  6. I seem to remember at least one of those, but I don't remember if it was successful for you. Closest thing to that that I've done is to rent a bobcat for a day last March to clear the driveway. We had been on the cut-off edge model-wise between 2" and 10" for a Thursday event, and after the 12z Euro run on Tuesday had us into the deeper snow I called the rental place and scheduled it for delivery Wednesday pm. It worked out well, lol, we got about 8".
  7. I think we more or less sorted it out, but to summarize: Is sleet counted as snow for snowfall totals, and at a 1 to 1 ratio? E.g., 3" of snow followed by 0.5" of sleet would be 3.5" of snow (especially if measured separately, as opposed to snow depth). What is the LE ratio for sleet, about 3:1? Newman seems to have it nailed down at around 3.5:1. There are the model output (snowfall map) issues where sleet may be added to total snowfall as if it was snow at a 10:1 ratio, but I think that can be sorted out by looking at soundings, upper air temps, qpf, snow depth maps, etc. Thanks in advance Ray!
  8. Sounds like a riddle, lol. (Hey Ray!). You should stop over in the other thread and re-educate us on sleet if you have a minute.
  9. Maybe the 3:1 is the melted down liquid equivalent. I see it as frozen just denser than snow. Same goes for wet snow vs dry snow, it is what it is when it comes to measuring what's fallen.
  10. Maybe on models, not for measuring as far as I know.
  11. That's 06z fwiw, FV3 on TT has been kind of sporadic lately for some reason...
  12. Straight 1:1 measurement, no conversion. Maybe clear your snowboard pre-sleet if you want to measure what has fallen vs. snow depth.
  13. Good man! Glad you got some frozen, and thanks - pure snow, thundersleet, all will be welcomed!
  14. Do you have a shovel down there?
  15. Looking for your obs since I had to drive north out of the snow area for some family activity today. At least I got to see it early this morning, didn't expect it to start so early. Looks like it went on for most of the day, albeit it lightly.
  16. Same here, and the trees as well (last night with the wind). Made it down to 2F.
  17. 3.7F here at 11:30 pm. Normally when it gets this cold around here there's not too much breeze involved, but there is still a bit of it tonight, and it adds new meaning to "wind chill". No sitting out on the porch tonight!
  18. This cold definitely means business. 6.4F here currently, how low can we go? Forecast here is for 3F, seems like 0F might be within reach. eta: 4.3F at 11:10 pm
  19. Going with a half an inch here. Brings the seasonal total to 9.5" - almost double digits! The best 1/2" snowfall of the season for sure.
  20. Well worth the wait! 2 pics - one as it was getting started, the other about 10 minutes later, mid-squall. The large trees in the background are about 250 to 300 feet away, which you can't really see in the mid-squall pic. Good stuff!
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