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Everything posted by JTA66

  1. Been sitting at 32F much of the morning, starting to see some minor ice accretion on the cars and lamp post. Maybe a pinger or two mixed in for good measure.
  2. Great seeing Konecny and Lindblom continue to grow -- good thing too as the vets have been a little less than impressive (great game by G last night, though!). Still, I think this team is was it is for now -- win 2 or 3 in a row, lose 2 or 3 in a row. Still haven't made up my mind on Fletcher. Just glad he didn't do the typical "Flyers thing" and trade all our youth for past-their-prime stars.
  3. +NAO SE ridge Lack of Miller A's Any frozen will have to come from a "thread the needle" system Seems as safe a winter outlook as any.
  4. 74F at midnight, been sitting at 58F since this morning. If this were March, I'd consider it dreary. But after yesterday, I loving it!!
  5. Got down to 69F overnight--I'll take the moral victory of not having a min of 70F+ in October. Welp, if it's gonna be warm today, may as well go for some records
  6. 64F/60DP. Forecasted to get to 78F today, but unless we see some peeks of sun, I don't think that will happen...and I'm not complaining if it doesn't.
  7. Ha! I get sick on the merry-go-round. I guess I should be happy 2019 is what it is.
  8. Seriously! Where are the floating cities? The flying cars? The hotels on the moon? As a child, the Jetsons promised me a future of unimaginable technological advancement. And what did we get? The interwebs with weather boards. Like most of our snow events, the future underproduced! Sorry Paul, guess this didn't help answer your question.
  9. Only got down to 74F overnight. Had a brief shower this morning that made the humidity more humid. Also, read Paul Pastelok's blog at Accuwx this morning -- while some comfortable air masses will move through, overall the end of Aug/start of Sept looks hot. Possible Sept analogs include 1993, 2004 & 2014.
  10. Severe sprinkles, wind gusts up to 3mph. With all the "Accu Alerts" and "First Alerts" flying around on the news yesterday, I decided to shelter in place. Stay safe everyone!!
  11. Got a thundershower rolling through atm, nothing severe. Temp down to 77F after a high of 86F.
  12. A quick but intense storm just ripped through here, lost power for a few moments after a close lightning strike. Temp down to 78F as a result!
  13. Temp down to 86F, I can see lightning to the north. A breeze is kicking up, looks like some sort of outflow boundary passing through.
  14. 94F/75DP. Getting an occasional cloud now and then.
  15. We do excessive rains well around here. Got down to 78F last night, already 85F at 9am.
  16. I read somewhere that the current +PDO could lead to a nice August. Of course, it's never wise to put all your eggs into one teleconnection's basket. And while it might be a pleasant August for the nation at large, I'm sure the +AMO will throw a wrench into things for us on the coastal plain.
  17. 96F/72DP. Dropped all the way down to 77F overnight. Enough of this chit, give me 33F and rain.
  18. It's a strange summer -- I'm under an excessive heat warning, yet have mushrooms popping up in the yard from all the rain. Wonder how high temps would have climbed this weekend if it had been a dry summer with the ground baked solid? Heard my first katydids last night, we're in deep summer now.
  19. Rain just started here. The clouds kept the temp in check today, only reaching 84F. But with a 75dp, it didn't matter much.
  20. Yeah, the Euro bumped east. Also interesting is it has the low over the Delmarva @ 192 hours. Who knows how it will play out, but something to track for now.
  21. Hearing my first cicadas this afternoon. I'm sure the katydids aren't too far behind.
  22. Getting the seven-ten split here as the best of these storms are passing to my north and south. The most impressive part was the gust front, but even that was probably only in the 30-35mph range. Nothing more than a heavy shower with some thunder & lightning. Maxed out at 88F again, down to 79F now. Looks like the 18Z NAM wants to bring another line through later tonight.
  23. No rain here yet, but temp down to 78F after a high of 88F today. Hearing some rumbles in the distance.
  24. Backloaded summer ftw...September will rock! Saw my first lightning bug last weekend.
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