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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. Driving on 910 and already a total you know what show.
  2. Already issues in our area. Have a slow outer band moving through causing flooding already. I have a feeling some of our low lying areas are in big trouble.
  3. Ummmm this is less than ideal that we are already seeing flooding issues with an outer band moving in.
  4. Honestly this has been a longstanding issue as far back as I can remember with PIT.
  5. Do you guys have better discussions? This is KPIT's latest, and honestly I think it is flat lazy and unacceptable given the uncertainties and impactfulness of this event.
  6. Yep, and I think it depends on who is writing it. There was one a day or two that was excellent, but this dude who wrote this just is straight awful and frankly lazy. Here is the detailed one.
  7. Honestly given the uncertainties and how impactful this could be this discussion from KPIT is unacceptable.
  8. This has some REALLY ugly potential. I would all be for a shift south as I don't really want to see 6 inches of rain over the metro.
  9. Man, this looks like our snow maps in the winter in Pittsburgh lol. honestly I’m fine with missing this one though.
  10. Latest CPC map actually looks to fringe us. I’d be fine with that, but any bump north puts us in line for a half foot of rain.
  11. THat is a less than reliable source.
  12. I mean, extreme flash flooding pushing people all the way to the attic? Either way, regardless of how it is happening that is incredibly bad news.
  13. I mean if this is true, I can only think this would me a levee has broken or been breached in some way.
  14. The “New Orleans is in the clear” posts look ridiculous right now.
  15. Not hyperbolic at all. A lot of people died in Katrina in attics when they couldn’t breakout to the roof.
  16. You have to just hope that the combination of surge and fresh water flooding doesn’t overwhelm the levees. I will never forget looking at CNN the day after Katrina in my college’s computer lab in the student union the morning after. I had thought that New Orleans had dodged a bullet, but when I pulled up CNN and saw an aerial shot that showed essentially the whole city flooded. I don’t want to see that again.
  17. Do not enter the attic in New Orleans is honestly chilling. What a nightmare.
  18. If it is the “omg a bean bag” guy it probably is. he had a post an hour before this ranting about copyright on his videos.
  19. That’s different. After the storm, fine. No one should risk getting these guys during the storm.
  20. Wait is this the dude who was claiming to see 200mph gusts?
  21. And honestly, the “need help”tweet…you put yourself in that place, no one should go get him.
  22. Is this for real? I don’t know the guy or had ever heard of him, but hope they get out.
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