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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. Since I’m not really buying the far west solution I’m fine with it showing that now. I think this ticks back east
  2. At this point I’ll take the euro, gfs OP, Canadians, over the icon and GEFS. Who knows though. We’ve seen these things disappear on us.
  3. Ok, we’ve had a problem for a long time with terrible discussions from PIT….but this one really takes the cake. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=PBZ&issuedby=PBZ&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=off
  4. He’s a clown and almost always wrong. Also any met that makes proclamations like that is garbage.
  5. If the GFS came back east now I'd be fine. This run actually pushed it into Cleveland lol.
  6. I think it is more of when the low retrogrades almost all the way back to Cumberland Maryland is where the issues would show up.
  7. Would you happen to have wind panels from around the 100-105 timeframe?
  8. That is why I expect either a correction east or west.
  9. Do you have the windmap or anyone for that matter? It isn't often we see a 985 MB low get that close to us here in WPA.
  10. Also, when I saw the ICON I did expect a jump east....but no way did I expect it to go further northwest.
  11. For us out this way, this is like the absolute dream track on the GFS. It is a dream though because for me in 20 years of watching weather models and seeing tracks like this pop up it has never once verified. A true apps runner seems to be the rarest storm path out there.
  12. GFS is so far west almost that we would potentially have dry slot and mixing issues. It pushes the "bullseye" up into western OH though we still get crushed and for us verbatim would be an all time impactful storm if we get ten inches and ice. That said, have we EVER seen a track like this actually verify? I remember a storm about 12-15 years ago that was supposed to destroy us but ended up an Ohio blizzard and fringed us and we mixed.
  13. I can certainly remember times we went from a storm that missed us east to a storm that turned us to rain changing on the models in the span of two days.
  14. Now I’m invested and excited…which inevitably means this will shift back east…or go far enough west it rains.
  15. It’s kind of amazing that if we get 6-10 we are thrilled but the MA or NYC folks get it try lose their minds because it isn’t 18 inches plus.
  16. Welcome to Pittsburgh! that run though was ridiculous. We are only about 5 days out so the storm likely won’t disappear but we all know how this works with shifts screwing us in the end.
  17. Here is the thing with Steeler and Pittsburgh fans in general. Yeah, they act like they are the best fans in sports but watch the amount of empty seats at heinz if there is a 6-11 season. Hell,o even this year there were tons of empties.
  18. Yep, but they are probably in for a world of hurt the next few years.
  19. I call it dumb luck. They should have been a 5-12 team this year. Honestly this will screw them in the long run...they needed to pick high for a QB and instead backed into the playoffs to get killed by the chiefs. I hate the steelers btw.
  20. I have truly wondered this. I feel like they’ve disappeared the last 5-10 years. Does this have something to do with climate change?
  21. Also latest GFS gives 3-4 county wide…considering it had been most bearish for us with this I definitely think 2-4 and an advisory is where we should be right now.
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