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Everything posted by KPITSnow

  1. Looking at some traffic cameras, down towards the wash county line on 79 ground already starting to cave under that nice training band. that band will probably put down some localized nice numbers but the rest of us need it to expand to get anything decent.
  2. Yeah. South hills is going to do ok but those of us up north are looking not great. I’ll probably get like 2 inches but I can see south hills getting a good 4-6 with the way the band is set up.
  3. We never had red tags in here, ever? Im looking at the radar. I’m going to get an inch or two. I think the south hills does very well. like I said, stop being a freaking troll and let me post. No one wants to see you turn this into a train wreck because I posted a simple observation
  4. Take it to banter dude. I’m allowed to post. don’t troll and derail the thread like you always do.
  5. You guys in the south hills will do well. I think we are a bit screwed up north
  6. I think personally KPIT will have a hard time breaking the advisory verification streak
  7. last few runs of the HRRR have backed off quite a bit. 12z had a general 3-6 county wide with some spikes but now maxes out at 4, thought it is probably way more realistic
  8. Saturday looks like once again we won’t know until late in the game whether it’s an advisory level event or not. ill say this, I have places to be Saturday morning. I really don’t want a 1-2 event that just annoys me.
  9. Congrats guys. Those a brutal miss for us
  10. Maybe I’m just misremembering but I don’t remember some of these absolutely wild swings within 48 hours. I mean I remember the gradual bleeds north on the models but I can’t remember a storm just up and shifting 100’s of miles over two runs two days out
  11. I mean, it wasn’t. But it’s still frustrating that we went from being rain and too far south to twelve hours later the models showing us too far north lol.
  12. But man we are cursed here. We went from being 50 miles too far south to 50-100 miles too far north in like 3 runs
  13. I’d rather this than a 2 inch storm that makes my commute a nightmare honestly
  14. It would be pretty typical though if somehow this slid south of us
  15. I haven’t been posting on purpose, mainly because I think if we get anything from this it’s a bonus. Looks like we could get half a foot or nothing.
  16. Well, this list certainly lends credence to the idea cold periods are less sustained, even if extremes are still there. the fact ten of these are this century, one is in 1999, and four of the top 5 are in the last ten years really is pretty eye opening.
  17. Dude, just stop your trolling. The fact is that every time we are modeled for a pattern change or a window for a big storm it does materialize. Sure we had a couple smaller events over the last few weeks but that period was heavily hyped for a big storm that never came. Then the pattern was expected to flip next week yet that has disappeared. You don’t need to tell someone every single time they post something that isn’t rosy to stop posting it.
  18. Don’t read the maps then. Honestly you attacking anyone posting anything is really really old.
  19. lol. We have a poster in our thread that goes crazy every time we top out at 89
  20. Won’t it be great. Probably no snow and then hit April and weather is exactly the same as January!
  21. Hey at least you have that. Outside of a few areas in the metro here that got raked by a lake band, Pittsburgh is on two straight years not even verifying an advisory event. I would estimate IMBYi have maybe 9 inches for the year.
  22. I’m also not going to lie, took the train to New York yesterday and the fact I could see snow piles all through to the nw Philly burbs and even in to Philly told me they got a lot more snow than we did. I asked on the cpa thread and someone there got 18.5 over two weeks. I know some of you cashed in on that lake band but for the rest of us we might ge sitting under 10 inches for the year
  23. Shouldn’t be shocked. This happened constantly last winter.
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