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Everything posted by Sparky

  1. Ok after sticking a ruler in it it’s an inch. Radar looks like it will end soon.
  2. I'd call it white rain at the moment temp around 37.
  3. Yes, I know, but for light snows in moderate temperatures it is usually OK. I just let it melt down into the inner tube for my liquid equiv. reading.
  4. Forgot to say that was my second winter in Carroll County so I was quite impressed with it at the time. As you say getting a significant storm in November isn't particularly difficult in Carroll and especially along Parr's Ridge. When I lived in Baltimore I pretty much just dreamed of November snows with a few near misses.
  5. Very cold and snowy December followed by a warm snowless Jan and Feb.
  6. I remember November 1995 for 3 separate events of 4" totalling 12" for the month. That was quite the kickoff to an amazing winter.
  7. Barely cracked freezing today high 33 low 19.
  8. Dipped to 38 early this morning with gusty winds.
  9. Wow! 2.92" in the rain gauge and still raining.
  10. Rain diminishing now. Winds howling, like a werewolf.
  11. Relentless rain. Increasing T&L.
  12. Thunder and lightning building in.
  13. lots and lots and lots of rain...... and wind.
  14. 6/1/12 - the day of the tornadoes. It was a scary day for me with a relatively close call near my neighborhood with an EF1 tornado followed by a couple more menacing cells that day which threatened dropping one.
  15. Finished with 1.77". Skies turning blue now.
  16. Under some incredible bands. So dark and stormy.
  17. 66 dark and dreary with drizzle.
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