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Everything posted by TauntonBlizzard2013

  1. Not sure... we just moved in a few months ago (August). The price of a “therm” or however they measure gas went up like 20 cents per therm in December 1st... which ended up costing us another 20-25 bucks alone. Just insanity... if we get a real cold Jan or Feb... I bet our bill will be pushing $250 if not close to $300
  2. So torching cutters are as planned? My last snow event was in mid November, well over a month ago. When a real threat is within 5 days, not 2 and a half weeks away, I’ll be interested
  3. Just got our gas bill for the last month $181.... yikes. It was pretty damn cold out that entire period
  4. The problem for models that even have moisture is it’s rain for a good chunk of folks. I feel like people assume if we get the precip, it’s snow. That’s not the case as modeled. Couple things working against that system
  5. I pointed this out to my fiancé when we got out of the car about an hour ago. Very cool
  6. They should just give you the damn tag. Also, congrats. Like I told you before. Earning an education while working full time/ close to it is not easy and deserves to be recognized.
  7. I concur with not liking the city. I hate it.. hate driving there, train, whatever. Don’t like it. This Friday is going to be tough with work... I’d have to go straight there. Well see. I could go for a gtg in North Conway area or something so we could drag in some NNE posters. I’d stay overnight up there and maybe do some skiing
  8. I’d have to check exactly what we got... but a couple tenths? Bob and Matt can back that up... we got kind of hosed relative to the rest of the area. By the time we changed over, not much precip left edit: we had an half inch here
  9. December has been dreadful for the better part of the last decade here. I believe our last white christmas was 2010? And even then, I’m not sure that even qualified.. I know we had an inch or two of glacier. For perspective, I had started dating my girlfriend in November 2010.. we were 16.... we are now engaged and getting married in October and we’ll be 25. So, white Christmas is hard to come by here
  10. Great storm here. If my memory serves me correct, that was wiped out by Christmas still. Grinch gunna grinch
  11. Leach field was a thought I had. My parents septic was in front of the house and the leached out in the side yard (had to go under driveway) occasionally one spot, especially when the system was older would look like that in a situation like this. Additionally, the grass was always super high in that one spot
  12. Is anyone surprised? Christmas time recently has been horrible for winter weather. I don’t count the junk coating we got last year as “good”. I knew when we were cold and snow in mid November that we were definitely cooked for Christmas
  13. Not expecting anything more than rain here. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t even end as some sloppy flakes. Could go wire to wire rain
  14. Little light snow Christmas Eve on the gfs
  15. Am I the only one who doesn’t feel like things are setting up all that great? Long range looks okay to poor, spending on what guidance you use, and our next “threat” is always 10 days away. Hopefully we can change the look after the new year
  16. Most guidance doesn’t even have the feature producing precip over land. I’ll take a dusting on the outer cape... maybe. i would not be surprised if we see nothing at all
  17. We had an indoor cat years ago that escaped in late Feb and never came back... or so we thought. We were getting the lawnmower out of the shed in mid to late April and we hear a meow from what sounds like under the shed. We couldn’t believe it... the cat was under the shed, and we lured her out with canned food. Appeared to be in fine health too. Survived nearly two months in hostile temps and weather.
  18. At least the moonshiners in Appalachia will have a chance at a white Christmas.
  19. Also, I’m not sure what you’re deal is. They were right. It’s going to become hostile for a time, definitely longer than a few days too.
  20. Im not sure what you’re seeing,but the longer range doesn’t look good. Sure you can sneak an event in amid an overall milder pattern, but that doesn’t make it a good look. I definitely wouldn’t call it a 3-4 day relaxation and return to winter.
  21. Yeah... not close. I feel like even if we get huge changes in the next 24-36 hours, it still wouldn’t be enough.
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