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Everything posted by TugHillMatt

  1. They sure did. Woke up way too early because my internal clock said it was time to check the new nws discussion...and model runs...and the forum... Oh, the excitement of the first region-wide snow storm. We now enter the season of sleepless nights...especially where I live! Lol
  2. Think about it in terms of a full 360 degree circle. Any flow between 181 and 270 degrees would be a SW to W wind direction. A flow between 270 and 359 degrees would be a west to northwest flow. 180 is directly from the south, 270 is directly from the west, and 360 is directly north.
  3. Many people I have met in Oswego county...particularly in Orwell, Redfield, and Boylston areas, enjoy the snow. Anybody who hates snow has moved or avoids the area. Lol
  4. Yes, it is. Welcome, Matty. I am loving that we have posters from different sections of Oswego county.
  5. We managed to keep most of ours...We did have some on the ground before this event. Getting some nice bursts of snow this evening and right now.
  6. I like that this next system is coming at night. Picked up about 2.5 inches of very wet snow here from today's system.
  7. Wow. If the Lake effect happens tonight, and something like the Euro is showing happens for Friday, Syracuse over to Madison county could have some of the deepest snow depths in the state.
  8. The current pattern is exactly why I wanted to move out of the Lake Plain (of Lake Michigan) and to a higher elevation. Too stressful playing the "how are lake temps going to ruin it" game. Lol That band tomorrow night is looking pretty good for those of you to the south. Looks like some lighter upslope snows here after the system goes through.
  9. Yeah, it does. It wasn't my intention to get in an in-depth debate over this. :) As mentioned, BGM splits some of their counties for the climate differences, so not sure why BUF doesn't. I am not implying imbyism as ONLY Redfield, but a split in the county roughly along Route 13 from Williamstown to Altmar to Pulaski would make climatological sense. Main bands, depending on winds usually set up north or south of that line. Having a similar split in Chautauqua county would be similarly feasible.
  10. I understand your point, but at the same time, when Redfield averages 100 to 150 inches more than locations 15 to 20 minutes away...Seems like it would make sense to simply divide the county between southwest and northeast. I guess BUF does do this within the county forecast by saying "in the Tug hill." Even though the population is sparse, this is a highly popular winter recreation area and having more location-specific warnings would be helpful.
  11. For real. I was just talking to someone about that this weekend. Keeps it interesting
  12. Yep! Still have snowcover in most places after today. I feel BUF NWS should divide this area of Oswego county from the rest of it. Definitely Winter Weather advisory potential for this area but none issued because the rest of the county won't get too much. I will have to get used to averaging between Oswego and Lewis counties here.
  13. So I guess cropping and "zooming in" on images makes it possible to post them. This pic is from this weekend.
  14. Thanks for the tips, guys. I will continue playing around with it.
  15. I have been trying to post pictures from my phone, but every image seems to be too many bytes. Don't know how to change that...
  16. I am right on the 4 inch line. Almost all of the 12Z runs are showing 3 to 6 inches of snow for this area. Roads had to be plowed Friday and Saturday nights...already building snow "banks" (mini...Lol) along sides of roads. My guess is they will be much bigger by this weekend.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. They just muddled over any potential even up here on the Tug...and then downplayed Friday's event as well. BGM's discussion has a completely different tone, and more wintry.
  18. Many areas of Central NY look to get a few inches of snow in the Tuesday event.
  19. Thanks! I posted video on FB of it moving through...and all my local friends here replied with, "This is nothing. You haven't seen anything yet."
  20. 2 inches from the synoptic snow yesterday....3 inches this afternoon as the band went through. Band was moving pretty quickly.
  21. Snow accumulating on all surfaces...trees look beautiful.
  22. Amazing how different it is about 500 to 600 feet higher than you, wolfie. I sit at about 1200 to 1300 feet here, and am working towards an inch. With the way it is snowing now, it will pile up quickly. Only thing not covered is driveway and under pine trees.
  23. Started snowing big flakes here around 12:30 and continues. Trying to accumulate.
  24. Urban areas and near bodies of water don't get the early deep freezes that cause leaves to wither and fall off faster
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