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Everything posted by TugHillMatt

  1. Hey, Lake effect snow friends! I have about a foot and a half on the ground here in the Tug. Had to shovel the roof off today as over half of that pack is extremely heavy snow from last week's system. Looking like we will have a band hit us on Wednesday.
  2. Hey, all! Still lots of snow here. Actually had to shovel off the roof today.
  3. Went down to the Rome/Utica area....there is a HUGE difference in snow depth there compared to my house 40 minutes away from Rome. So much less down there..
  4. Thanks! Weatherbo, from the Great Lakes sub, inspired me when he moved to the UP of Michigan. Tons of snow here, and much closer to family in PA. I am located right on the Oswego/Lewis county line...northwest of Osceola and east of Redfield..right between the two.
  5. Thanks! I am blessed to work, live, and play :) in a beautiful area. Sorry to hear about your mud. Bleck. Unfortunately, we may even have to go through mud season up here the week after Thanksgiving.
  6. Good morning, all! Pound town city here. Just got down plowing...and big fatties coming down out of the sky. 6 additional inches since yesterday afternoon after the storm. Flake size last night was unimpressive. Much better this morning. This additonal snow is HEAVY and wet. Hard on the plow.
  7. I was going to do that...thanks for the reminder/accountability.
  8. This was from this afternoon...before tonight's snow.
  9. Not pounded...but moderate, wind-driven snow. The heaviest returns are just to my north. Should get into those with the wind shift.
  10. So so so glad I moved from a Lake Plain!!!! Almost 10 degrees colder here than Oswego!
  11. Wow, that would be almost a foot for me with ratios of 10:1.
  12. I can't wait for a big event! It will be my first one here. Nice. I am right on the Lewis County line, so I am JUST in that darkest blue. Dumping snow again! Funny that the WWA doesn't start til 6, as we are getting several inches this afternoon. Hope you Buffalo folks get a surprise.
  13. I measured this morning when I got to work. 14 inches...and now a couple more late this morning and currently with big Lake Effect Fluffers.
  14. Probably around a foot here, and they already have the roads scraped down to the surface. They know how to do snow here! Life goes on as usual here on the Tug. #TugLife
  15. Hey, Matt. I would say probably 2" per hour. Picked up an inch just since 1:30'
  16. This has definitely been a tough system for meteorologists. Lots of goofy temperature profiles and banding, etc... My hometown of Lancaster, PA was supposed to get 1 to 3 and then rain. Post after post from my friends on FB showed they got a half foot with sleet on the bottom and top. People sitting on highways for 5 to 7 hours.
  17. All this talk of pingers, and seeing Rome has changed over, I just had to go outside and check...All snow. Big snowflakes, with about 5 inches...4 of those coming in the past couple hours. Looks like Rochester is doing really well! 9 inches and still snow? That is way more than you were to get. Enjoy! I could be looking at double digits when I wake up.
  18. Practically stopped snowing here. Looks like eastern Oswego county is under a reforming dry slot. Ugh. Downsloping from the higher elevation of the Tug??
  19. Nice looking map! I like... Bummer for you folks along the Lake Plains...
  20. I think Freak telling everybody to calm down is hilarious. You are a bit animated, buddy...can tell from the short time I have been on here. :P Love your passion though. Waiting for it start here on the Tug. With the snow and cold we have had the past week, there is a nice frozen base to build upon.
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