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Everything posted by TugHillMatt

  1. Snow showers ongoing here this evening. Snowflakes are tiny though because of the cold. Temperature is at 0
  2. How about a good westerly flow that lasts more than a few hours this winter? At this rate, I may have to wait until next winter for a blockbuster!
  3. Should be good for getting the skating rink set at work.
  4. Just went out to my car...Picked up a couple more inches this evening. Brings me to about a foot total since early yesterday morning.
  5. That's for sure. When you get several inches sporadically different times in a day and week so often, it can be a challenge because you're not always around to measure.
  6. Many locals say she inflates totals and measures much more than she should be. I mean, North Redfield does get lots of snow..... Maybe next winter I will be more efficient and committed. I am just trying to find my way around living here my first winter.
  7. Nice band just went through here as well...So still snowing.
  8. 10 inches...over a foot on the ground. But, then again, I am not Carol Yerdon going out every hour.... lol
  9. That's it?!?! Bummer! The wind can definitely hamper things!
  10. Happy to hear some of you Niagara Frontier and Rochester posters are getting some nice snow bands.
  11. Lake effect bands are definitely in the process of shifting. This impulse moving in from the St. Lawrence River valley looks to change things up. This part looks to favor the Tug.
  12. Looks like another impulse moving south from the North Country. That should give a nice boost to the snowfall.
  13. Getting there... 92 inches on the season. Now if we hadn't melted 80 some of those inches...... Lol How are you doing with snow tonight?
  14. Thanks. I sure hope so! Upslope snows seem to really deliver here. It seems we get much more than they are calling for because of upslope. The elevation has also helped with borderline events in helping us change to snow faster. Hoping the upslope continues to deliver tonight and the rest of winter!
  15. 6 inches so far today. 3 to 4 inches from Synoptic this morning and 2 to 3 this evening. Big flakes coming down now.
  16. For sure. Temperature was hovering right around freezing. Heavy with ice underneath.
  17. Just cleaned up. 3 to 4 inches of very heavy, wet snow. Light snow falling right now. Waiting upon the lake effect snow now. This is when elevation helps. 15 minutes down the road 500 to 700 feet lower in Williamstown they didn't get anything.
  18. Don't you just love how that High pressure just HAS to move SE at the same time the Low is moving NE this weekend? Just in time to squash it... Tough winter so far.
  19. Woke up to a couple inches here on the western side of the Tug.
  20. I am watching that blossom as it heads east. Wolfie first, then me...hoping it is snow. I'll keep you updated.
  21. Sitting at 33 here on the Tug...hoping a little bit of heavier precipitation can bring the goods.
  22. Anybody want to take a gander by posting one of BUF's maps from previous events that they think matches this well?
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