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Everything posted by TugHillMatt

  1. Friends back in West Michigan have been reporting lots of freezing drizzle mixed in at 15 degrees.
  2. Nice looking event for the Finger Lakes region...excited for the snow lovers around there.
  3. Getting a nice steady snowfall here. Unexpected. Pretty flakes.
  4. Wondering why Batavia gets higher winds. Is it because it is more open there? Not as familiar with that area.
  5. I haven't stepped outside the past couple days since I am milking this flu virus I have...but I was under good banding much of the day. Dude in Osceola measured 10 inches yesterday and 4 the night before...so I am guessing over a foot here?
  6. Wow, some of those HRW runs are pretty far north. NAM ftw?
  7. In a normal winter, yes..... Glad you got a great event to enjoy.
  8. Been under a good band most of the day. No clue how much with all the wind.
  9. Here is your chance to move up here, guys. Just saw this as I did my daily check on his page. Tough owning a business on the Tug...
  10. Wind seems stronger this morning than last night. Definitely blizzard-like. Thankful we haven't lost power and have no storm damage.
  11. Blizzard conditions here as well. Looks amazing outside.
  12. Wind doesn't seem as bad as I thought it would be, thankfully.
  13. Welp, BUF snowfall map keeps shrinking higher totals and moving them farther north. I shouldn't be shocked. Saw this coming days ago.
  14. Glad to hear you Buffalo guys didn't get too much damage.
  15. What do you think, wolfie? We finally get west winds for lake effect, and they're so strong snow bands will blow over us to the Dacks. North, south, west...now east. Yep, I am complaining...because this has been one frustrating winter. Odds are I won't be here next winter to see a REAL lake Ontario lake effect event.
  16. What a weather day here. Temps in the 30s with several thunderstorms bringing small hail, graupel, and now it is snowing.
  17. Mesos showing the typical suck lake effect event for this winter coming tonight. Models have looked good for so many events and then within 12 hours of the start of event it all of a sudden flips to the northern Tug getting hit, the skipping here...and then a narrow band to the south. Over and over....
  18. I JUST used that as I described it to friends on Facebook! Thanks for the encouraging words.
  19. Thanks, Bo. I really appreciate this weather community and the support people can share outside of weather chatting.
  20. In some ways, it is a good thing for me right now to not have to deal with winter storms so we can get stuff moved to my parents house. Stress is sky high for me right now with having to pack up a house the second time in a year, look for jobs, apply for jobs, and check out places. My wife's car broke down, I developed a sinus infection, wife's sister is dealing with flooding in Tennessee, and we just found out her uncle has 24 hours left to live. Not to mention several other things going on...
  21. We will see another cutter next weekend. All models showing it...and like I have been saying all winter, it is the pattern that won't end.
  22. Cutter...WSW flow...weak West flow with nothing substantial and quick veering to the WNW...weak low a day or two later that teases...super cold night...24 hours later temp hits 50 as cutter moves in to start all over again. Winter 2019. Bank on it.
  23. Haha...I don't know what the deal has been with this area...except for so much SW wind. I have no desire to experience high wind events though...not my weather passion...too much destruction.
  24. Sticking with the winter pattern, I would go with the low moving through southern New York, and weakening as it moves through. 1 to 3 inch ordeal.
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