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Everything posted by TugHillMatt

  1. Precip. seems more showery. Not that heavy. I feel if it was a steadier intensity we would have a better chance.
  2. I figured this would happen. Like I said yesterday, the warm air aloft almost always moves in faster than expected. I thought we would at least get SOME snow at the beginning. Not this season...
  3. You're going to have a nice layer to preserve the snowpack you have!
  4. That Fulton to Central Square line has been quite the border this season. Still trying to snow here with the sleet.
  5. Some snowflakes trying to mix in now. It's like that large sleet/icy snow stuff. Perhaps as we wetbulb and some cold air works down, we could get some snow here for a couple hours. My guess what is going on outside now will continue for several hours and then we transition to liquid as the lower levels warm up. Starting to get an icy layer of mixed precip.
  6. lol...I hear sleet hitting the windows. Should we hope that Sunday's system comes more N and W on the coast so we get more snow? Or will that make us too warm then? The science doesn't work anymore! haha
  7. Looks like precip. started off immediately as sleet (and maybe some rain mixed in)...nary a flake to be seen.
  8. I was, however, in the band that hit Sylvan Beach in April of 2019. That was pretty sweet!!!
  9. Haha! Hey, now. I was optimistic (with no sarcasm) when you got your awesome snowfall the other day. The ability for snow bands to be personified and avoid me at any cost is uncanny. Best snow event(s) in S. Redfield were when I went home during Thanksgiving and Christmas break. Came back to Redfield on Christmas just in time for it all to melt in a rain storm. Last year, the only decent WNW snow event to hit this area was...when I went to Florida for a week. The curse is real.
  10. Glad to see Greek Peak getting some action. Fun webcam to watch. Thankfully their elevation will help to maintain winter conditions and keep them economically going.
  11. ...and 18Z RGEM confirms what I just typed. lol. Looks very similar to Euro for Upstate NY. Best snow to the south and east of you know where. 1 to 2 inches maybe? Woooopty doo.
  12. Here's how I see this weekend playing out. It's based on the two tracks we have seen so far this season. Wave 1 comes far enough north that the snow is mostly found on the national border, while we rain and thaw. Wave 2 starts with the same track, but a transfer of energy sends most of the moisture to our east and we get mostly missed, again. Snow to our north, south, and east...and yes, possibly to Syracuse's west...yawn). We have been in the screw zone consistently.
  13. That would certainly be a nice burst of snow. One thing that is very common with this setup though is that the warm air in the Upper layers almost always seems to move in more rapidly...and we taint.
  14. Is it that the ice was thin or that your biceps are so heavy, the ice couldn't handle you?
  15. Yeah, the cold front went through last night and our temp dropped to above average. No thanks. He'd probably rig it so that the snow blows out with Gale force/Hurricane force winds.
  16. So a half inch maaaaybe on Friday night and then an inch on Sunday. Workin' our way towards average.
  17. Lake Enhanced snows are some of my favorites. The ones we got when I was in West Michigan were so invigorating. I hope to experience one this winter here. Seems Syracuse gets its biggest snowfalls during the Lake Enhanced events (i.e. several feet of snow).
  18. The Sunday system appears to be another one of these primary waves moving up the Ohio Valley and bringing warm air up here...THEN energy transfers to the coast, leaving us in the middle with light junk trying to fight a changeover to snow. Are these the ONLY synoptic systems you can get up here, guys? Don't you dare say "only since you moved here, Tug." Bahaha
  19. My family, especially my wife, have joked with me over the years about getting one so she can live down south and I can get my "snow". It's just not the same... BUT, if we continue getting Virginia weather here, I may just have to consider that expensive purchase..
  20. I remember it too. There is another poster on the mid-Atlantic forum who has a snow machine. I think he's posted pictures of the mountains of snow he has in his yard sometimes. haha
  21. Rgem looks like a decent hit for the Sunday/Monday system for CNY and east. Western NY doesn't look so good. I am curious as to if the Low was to move a bit more to the west if we could get heavier snow here, or if somehow (season trend) warm air gets pumped in. It doesn't seem like being on the NW side matters anymore.
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