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Everything posted by wx2fish

  1. I'd be leary slashing that far into NH this early. Could pull that just tomorrow. If radar is still flaccid at 10pm maybe
  2. Light Sleet/rain mix. 33F. A whole 0.02" through the Davis so far. Well see what happens with some better lift in a bit.
  3. Back to a very sleety snow. Can see the oscillations on CC. Rates are pretty still light up this way
  4. It's really after 7pm or so around here that the better lift arrives. It's near 0C now at 850 so not really surprised it's sleet/rain. It's later this evening when it'll really be make or break
  5. Real tough call from ash to my area. Maybe something like 2-4" tonight and hope for another 1-2" midday tomorrow. Gradient may be very tight tonight. I'd lean lower end and be happy if it breaks the other way.
  6. I like to use it for trends, but overall agree it can jump wildly. We use it alot for aviaiton purpose for cig/vis/TS. This is getting inside 4-5hr now though so hopefully it has a clue.
  7. Hrrr has been trending a little better with that initial pulse. 16z run is trying to flip the pike region for a bit.
  8. Gonna be very wet and sloppy tonight, maybe even some sleet in there. Theyll be a break with drizzle late night/early morning. The midday stuff tomorrow will be a little drier.
  9. 12z hrrr looked maybe a hair colder on the front end, but a definite improvement with the stuff tomorrow, mostly north of the pike
  10. Yeah hrrr kinda hints at it, but still colder than the nam. The euro soundings I have are too course to really see if it has anything in that layer. I think south of MHT will struggle initially too until we get decent lift. Elevation will help for atleast the first couple hours.
  11. Nam is definitely the warmest, little warm nose up around 750, and it pushes it up into the NH border region for a couple hours. Northern edge will probably fluctuate with lift, but something to watch on the 12z runs.
  12. Yeah agree. I think for more than just more localized amounts over 6" the Friday stuff will need to come in robust.
  13. Hrrr is super juiced up. Hard to buy that kind of qpf in these, but well see. Pushing 1.25" in SNH in like 8 hours
  14. Was wondering how it looked, pivotals maps are all blank
  15. Yeah its dicey, definitely want the thumpier solutions with big lift for 3-4 hours
  16. I think the producers with sealed vacuum systems it makes sense to try and capitalize on it. Always a risk vs reward for gravity/open air systems. Taps could dry out and lose the end of the season
  17. I think it goes over the FZDZ or snizzle right into Central NH for a bit once the mid-level dryslot punches through. The DGZ completely dries out, then resaturates by late-morning/midday Friday.
  18. Nice thump on the nam with the first batch down to maybe route 2-ish, and especially closer to the NH border on north.
  19. EPS mean looks like it tracks over SE MA/Cape for Sun/Mon
  20. Pretty much over my head. It's a bomb though, big snows in NNE
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