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Cold Miser

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Everything posted by Cold Miser

  1. ...Cannabis talk...All time low temps in Montreal talk...Stein talk. The sh*t pattern has gotten to most of us. It's time to drink some calming tea and embrace the eternal suck, and look forward to the future of spring, and then summer, and the wonder that is high humidity, and red flag talk.
  2. Just the fact that you guys actually put that into thought and pontificated on the probability is awesome.
  3. Just once I would like to see the NYC to BOS corridor destroyed with this.
  4. Age restricted for this video, but Cardi B's WAP video is open to all ages. lol
  5. Enjoy. This will definitely give you a brief, and awesome fix away from the winter woe's we are facing here.
  6. Right? Unless you can afford to take trips to where the snow is.
  7. Funny since the Mid Atlantic forum has been talking about this for a week or more. Looks like a lock for them. Congrats to the Mid Atlantic while I sort out my 4.75" for the season with my therapist.
  8. You should have checked out when I did, and became one with the weather you are dealt with. There is time for redemption, (not so) young grasshopper. ...Although such redemption may not be experienced until December.
  9. ...5 hours ago the CT state trucks were dumping salt as if it their lives depended on it during the one flake per hour storm, knowing well that the rain was coming. Anything to waste money.
  10. ...or end of march. We will be running out of months soon.
  11. ...Moderate snow falling in Manchester.. Heading east to home in a few.
  12. Heavy clouds and grey, but no precipitation.
  13. ...CT schools not so thrilled about calling it early for today.
  14. Light snow falling in Manchester currently.
  15. Great...The ole' rotting banana look.
  16. You can always go into the Mid Atlantic forum to see snow pics as well from this morning. There is plenty of snow all around us, and definitely not including us.
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