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Everything posted by Heisy

  1. I might be wrong but looking at the track of the core it seems like he’ll miss the inner eye wall… Ida still hasn’t turned N yet.
  2. NASA better contact the guys who set this camera up. This is crazy. So much more time left too, wonder if those homes in the background will withstand it
  3. Is it still possible the recurve happens earlier than thought? that grand isle webcam is starting to look bad!
  4. You can see the winds picking up on that Grand Isle webcam
  5. Was only a matter of time imo. Let’s just hope for continued West wobbles
  6. Gotta love that last wobble N. :/ This is wild.
  7. Came to post the same, turning into a beast
  8. Was just about to post this, but as an amateur was hesitant. Last few frames of IR look ominous to me
  9. Looks like 12z Euro shifted Ida a tick or two East fwiw.
  10. Is it me or did it also start moving more Northward?
  11. When it comes to Tropics I don’t know much, but the last few frames of IR look mighty good. Looks like she’s about to strengthen
  12. Hypothetically would a landfall on that position still bring considerable storm surge to New Orleans, or is this far enough West to avoid it?
  13. Heisy

    Winter 2021-22

    Well, Im talking about Philly Northward…. I don’t factor in DC because 9/10 times their winters suck regardless.
  14. 12z runs across the board seem to blow this GoM storm up
  15. Heisy

    Winter 2021-22

    I always go by the opposite rule. If the majority of forecasters are going for a cold and snowy winter I expect it to be terrible and vice versa.
  16. Yep. That region getting mauled right now, and not leaving any time soon.
  17. Almost looks like an upside down deformation zone in NNJ. The heavy stuff just stalling there. Agree with Forky, Someone in that region is in for some horrible flooding.
  18. The radar is very ominous for NNJ/NYC region. Really heavy stuff. Doesn’t look like it’s moving fast either
  19. Ah yes. I too remember my weenie days. Oh wait, they never ended. I’d consider chasing it, but still saving up for winter chasing and/or move to Worcester baby!
  20. Best part of winter is the time change. If the euro started rolling at 2 I’d probably die of sleep deprivation. Probably came close to that last winter anyway lol
  21. Hey fellas, thought I'd check in. I live near welsh/boulevard. I saw the hook forming heading right towards Bensalem so I decided, since I'm crazy, to go drive and chase it. I drove right up the boulevard and made it to the Wawa near Neshaminy Motel, RIGHT AS THE TORNADO WAS FORMING. I was right up the road from where the tornado hit I experienced one of the coolest things ever. It was pouring rain with low visibility, and then suddenly as the tornado passed the winds quickly changed directions, the sun became visible, and it got extremely gusty. Was a pretty cool experience. My grandmother lives in the trailer park behind the car dealership that was destroyed. She had just got out of the hospital and my mother was with her. She is located in the back of the park. Luckily, it was the front of the park that took the most damage. She is without power but fine otherwise.
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