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Everything posted by Heisy

  1. Did the city get any accumulation? Never heard of this event. Gotta check out some old H5 charts. Had to be a pretty robust ULL
  2. Feels like mid winter outside. Nice, crisp, and cold.
  3. Lol that run was close to dropping that tpv in , edit woops I was looking at the earlier event didn’t even notice day 10 jeez
  4. That band in eastern S VT looks to be croaking. Anyone under that?
  5. Man that’s pretty, so my future apartment would be killing it right now lol
  6. Haha love it, I swear I see starring on my windshield even when it’s 60 degrees out sometimes. My weenie brain plays tricks on me.
  7. I’m kinda upset couldn’t make it up for this one. First event all year I haven’t traveled for lol, I’m like an addict. Even if it’s a foot of snow should be the last “tracked” event until next year
  8. Moving there next fall, so get ready for the ORH curse to begin.
  9. Almost feels like next winter already. April storms/tracking just feel weird in the soul.
  10. Lol, classic run, 2021 out with a bang
  11. Southern VT the spot? Do you guys think the upslope high elevation regions have a shot at 16-18+? Only wanna make the drive if theres a shot at like 16-24" 8-12 isnt really chase worthy right now.
  12. Chase time in mid April?? One last hurrah! Let’s gooo.
  13. I was aiming for those really heavy totals in the extreme N part of the state. Just saw Malone was near that. If you take the 00z NAM at face value (heh) it seems like 3 maxes like up near that area and NW, then Lake placid region, and near Syracuse. I guess Syracuse region could be a fun trip.
  14. Thank you! Had no clue about the elevation there. The models keep showing heavy totals up that way but i learned my lesson on my last chase to Colorado.
  15. Anyone on here from near like Malone NY? Wonder if that could be a good destination
  16. Maybe I take a quick flight to Malone NY or somewhere around there for this next finale event. Wonder if there’s an outside shot at 2 feet somewhere.
  17. Winter finale this week. Thinking about heading to like Malone NY, somewhere far N NY....could see 12-20”. I think I’ve personally witnessed more snow than anyone in the country this year lmao
  18. I’m contemplating driving up somewhere upstate NY for the winter finale. If we get closer and there’s a shot for 15-20” somewhere I’ll do it. I give that about a 10% chance but ya never know! It’s a pretty potent ULL but it closes off too far NE. Wish the block could force it South some.
  19. We have like 250 days of warm wx ahead who cares if we sandwich in a freak inch or two
  20. Once again, you get heavy enough snowfall with marginal temps at night time it’ll stick on grass at least, I’d obviously sell at this range but it’s fun to look at
  21. With that 50/50 out there and the block wonder if we see this trend even better
  22. The 00z Para also drops a closed ULL same time period as EURO & Control. Just not south enough yet. There's definitely a threat for inland & NNE in this time period.
  23. Was gonna ask the same thing it’s a large bush there’s many of them in the neighborhood and each one has same amount of pollen. It keeps leaves all year I thought it was a pine but maybe not? Last night something must of moved the branches because a huge plume of what I thought was smoke surrounded my car. This morning I figured out it was pollen. Pretty wild
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