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Everything posted by wawarriors4

  1. Agreed, just would rather not waste precip getting temps to cooperate here along 95, but where we are headed, any snow is great. This has a feel of a rush hour WWA for the 95 corridor though too, out your way should be a decen 1-3 type WWA event.
  2. I'd love to believe the snow maps (they show a nice event around FXBG) but the fact that most models have temperatures spike up to around 38-45 tomorrow before precip gets to I-95 gives me a lot of pause, even with lower dewpoints to start we only get down to about 32-33 along 95. Feels like an event that starts as rain or a rain/snow mix and transitions to snow just before precip shuts off leaving like maybe a slushy half inch on grassy areas. Would love to be wrong and I'm definitely hoping for precip to start as early as possible.
  3. 63 in Fredericksburg with Thunderstorms moving in from the west. Lightning showing on RadarScope our near Orange, VA.
  4. Solid cover on grass, trees and cars in Stafford. That’s a win, maybe 0.3” total.
  5. On a positive note, at least Thanksgiving is as late as it can possibly be this year. Those panels from the 24th -27th do look great......hopefully it translates going forward.
  6. 11/24-25/1971 there was a pretty big snowstorm in the Northeast, dropped about 2 feet on my hometown of Scranton, PA ETA: CWG had a write up on it a few years ago, and a few other late November/Thanksgiving snow storms https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2015/11/23/five-early-snow-storms-that-turned-thanksgiving-into-travel-nightmares/
  7. Light Snow at work in Spotsylvania County, 35.4 Light Snow at home in Stafford County, 34.9
  8. Sleet falling in Stafford County NW of FXBG, temp down to 37.8
  9. Sun out around Fredericksburg and we’ve jumped up to 80 degrees
  10. 2.15” according to my PWS here just Northwest of Fredericksburg, definitely more than expected
  11. At 0.95” for the event so far and it is pouring down here around Fredericksburg
  12. Up to 1.51” here, judging by radar may add a few hundredths more. Good day of rain....
  13. Up to 1.21" here just NW of EZF, healthy rain storm, probably finish up near 1.4"-1.5" of much needed rain.
  14. Have picked up 0.52" so far just NW of Fredericksburg and it's raining nicely, been a great day so far, hopefully can go over 1.00" for the day.
  15. Got .31" here around Fredericksburg.....the grass might not catch on fire now
  16. Got under one of the really intense showers early tonight. Picked up more rain today in Stafford (0.76”) than I did yesterday (0.21”) go figure
  17. Outflow boundary came through Souther Stafford and knocked temp down by ten degrees. Was around 100, now sitting at 89.6 with a small thunderstorm with a lot of thunder and lightning nearby. ETA: much more comfortable outside
  18. I’m 5 miles from Stafford airport and sitting at 99/76. Definitely met the Heat Advisory criteria here
  19. 2.67” of rain so far, in about 45 minutes. Had an instantaneous rain rate of 6.12” per hour at one point. Crazy Heavy rain in Falmouth, VA. Happy 4th of July all!
  20. https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/metwatch/metwatch_mpd_multi.php?md=0448&yr=2019
  21. It would figure the day I’m going to the Nationals game would be the day for multiple waves of storms to happen over DC. Last night we didn’t get much rain around Fredericksburg but the light show was pretty good. How much rain we looking at, 2”+ in some areas?
  22. Pic of Central Virginia supercell tonight in Orange County, VA. definitely looked like their was a debris ball signature when storm went over Spotsylvania Courthouse. Hearing lots of trees and some damage in and around that area
  23. Had penny size hail and picked up 0.86” of rain in about 30 minutes. Numerous trees and branches down around neighborhood just north of Falmouth, VA in Stafford County. Definitely some of the best lightning I’ve seen in a while. Storm seemed to cycle up right as it went over.
  24. Yeah, blue sky showing up around Fredericksburg, temp is already back up to 73
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