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Everything posted by mackerel_sky

  1. You got a map of the end of the run storm from 18z??
  2. Y’all quit looking at and posting the 12z!! Post the 18z maps!! High is good, much more severe ice event for both Carolinas , yeah I know, it’s the 18 z, but let us enjoy for 6 hours!
  3. 18z looked like a miller B, with a low into KY, then transfer off NC coast
  4. Holy moly! That’s a beaut ,Clark ! Brings a tear to my eye! Somebody post maps of that big dog!!! Mid Atlantic, gotta be full weenie mode after that!!
  5. Has temps in upper 20s as precip starts in NE Ga, and Upstate, slowly rising to 32ish
  6. Miller B transfer, but looks good for 7-8 days away! Could easily trend colder
  7. It’s working on 18z! Mega ice storm for CAD regions on the 25th!! More south than the last run! NC /SC crush job! Y’all post them pretty maps!
  8. Sadly, that 52 degree peak day, is when we have precip!
  9. Of course the pattern has to reload! How else are we going to get more rain?
  10. MA forum says no snow for us until February
  11. Just saw they beat Duke! Props to Clemsux!
  12. We rain on the 24th on GFS, maybe the ground will still be frozen!?
  13. Everybody has bad seasons, I mean it only took Clemson 33/34 years to get another championship?? Only a blip in Clemson fans fantasy world!
  14. Really true! I guess most, me included, just want to see a fantasy blizzard on the models! But, cold is absolutely the most important ingredient for us to get wintry weather, that ‘appears’ to be coming and as active as the southern stream has been...
  15. 1 out of 2 ain’t bad! I could care less if I see a flake this winter!
  16. It was great! About as good as that football game Monday. God it’s so great all those Clemsux fans to have to shut up and eat crow. I think they are worse than Dookie fans!
  17. It’s got rain up to about DCA , for Saturday. Remember that one time it had snow and sleet down to RAH and CLT!??
  18. It can’t be!! No models are showing cool down, then warm up and rain!
  19. I’ve been assured, bitter cold is coming
  20. The blockbuster pattern that was showing up a few days ago, for cold and wintry weather, has turned to cool shots, followed by rain. Rinse, repeat
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