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Everything posted by 8611Blizz

  1. You heard correctly. My location about 5 miles form the coast was a solid 2" higher in the November storm. I had 4" before I even left to plow. But to our east by about 3 miles it was about 2.5" an hour later. Chelsea had about 1.5" near the salt pile when I got over that way.
  2. The one eyed pig is the Keyser Söze of weather enthusiasts.
  3. Judah just told Harvey 52" in Boston but he could go higher fwiw.
  4. Trying hard to bring the 3-6 area closer to the coast.
  5. Harvey mentioned a possibility of Cambridge having 4" and Logan having and inch or less (I think), same thing I mentioned yesterday. 3-4 miles is going to mean a lot here.
  6. I personally expect a bit of a difference in the 4 mile width of my city. Western area probably 2 inches but the east is so close to the water I think slush is probably the most likely outcome. A few miles in these setups makes a difference between shoveling and not.
  7. Great work Ray. Btw how much for Harwich?
  8. Mother nature is raw dogging us today with the damp cold wind. Soccer watching ftl.
  9. I think you're looking at NYC or Philly. Boston is listed as Above Normal. Regardless it's still good to see.
  10. Never said anything would happen soon, but I think in 15-20 years it happens. Change around here comes very slowly.
  11. As I get older I grow more attuned to the seasons and look forward to late winter the most and the time around the holidays the least. The atlantic time zone thing will gain traction as more and more people from other parts of the country move here and realize how early a 4:30 pm sunset really is.
  12. That's the problem. The zone is too big. The sunset today around Boston is 5:38pm in western Ohio it's 6:34 pm.
  13. Ok thanks, just trying to figure out if I need to get the snow shovel out or put away the chainsaw.
  14. I think Harvey genuinely likes him but Harvey also has little use for LR forecasting imo. He doesn't even like making 7 day forecasts let alone 3-5 months. Harvey looks more than happy to hand that job to Judah imo.
  15. Yeah I remember building a giant snowfort in our driveway in 83. I was 13 and thought "finally we're back to getting snow in winter" and then the next 10 years went by... But it did make 93 seems like I was living in Alaska
  16. People forget (Or don't care) but winters from 79 all the way to 93 were pretty bad here in Boston. We had some useable storms but most of the time it was dreadfully dull with some bouts of cold. 89 to 92 get the lions share of the hate but the early and mid period were very bad. A four inch storm was treated like a blizzard. I went maybe two or three years in a row with no snow days.
  17. Flake size is smaller but intensity is still strong.
  18. The trees have that wet base on them around here and now the lighter slightly drier stuff is sticking to them. Temps are still at 32 so hopefully that drops soon.
  19. That is some weather porn right there. James will be using the snow maps from this on those lonely nights on the cape...
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