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Everything posted by Jonger

  1. We do have too many restaurants, that's a fact. I read an article about that years ago. Europe has way less establishments for each person on average. They called it a bubble that's going to pop. Those who survive this will come out way ahead of the game.
  2. They settled on $600 factoring in higher cost of living states, so this isn't going to be an issue in NYC or LA... but Michigan and other middle tier states are getting boned by employees not wanting to take a pay cut to return to work. I mean... sh1t, I get it.... but it's irresponsible of the employee and they'll feel the pain when restrictions are lifted, the $600 ends and there is a mad dash for jobs. Think musical chairs, but with several million people being left without a chair when the music stops.
  3. If he paid lower than other establishments, nobody would work for him. I can't pay people under $15 an hour and expect good employees. I pay 17 year old part timers $15 an hour. That's how I personally handle things
  4. I'm going to assume his lawyers are better at legal issues than you are. If we're talking about wind blown rain, that's obviously your turf.
  5. Nope, he'll have to pay it back. You have to use 80% of the funds for payroll. He won't be able to hire an entire new crew and train them with zero notice. He is like many other business owners with this $600 fiasco -- f-cked.
  6. The money is paid up front. Ask me how I know?
  7. Stebo is way over his head in economics. Isn't there a dust devil to videotape out west?
  8. No, he fired them when they told him they wouldn't work.
  9. PPP is only to employers who actually PAY employees. Paycheck protection program. Why is Stebo allowed to post bullshit here?
  10. https://www.livingstondaily.com/story/news/local/community/livingston-county/2020/06/16/nursing-homes-account-all-but-1-livingstons-28-covid-19-deaths/3197937001/ Lies!
  11. My county had 28 deaths. They were all in nursing homes with 1 exception and that death was removed from the tally. How is that bullshit? Why do you get worked up so easily?
  12. We had a big local newstory about a similar situation. The guy owns several restaurants in the area.... he got PPP dollars and called everyone back to do takeout/etc... most of them claimed to be to scared to work. The real story was that they would be taking a paycut from unemployment and didn't want to work. From what I gather he fired them, which would have not affected their unemployment, but he was within his rights. So they started picketing his restaurants and trashing the guy. He couldn't get the PPP without them working, so at least one of the restaurants are closing permanently. Lazy young morons essentially didn't want to be hassled with working for this income. This area has seen a grand total of around 500 infections and 28 deaths. All deaths were in nursing homes, obese and averaged 85 years old.
  13. Umm.... if the businesses that led to their unemployment closed, it's baked in for years. And your other point is another topic all together.
  14. Yea, I was surprised to see certain posters act like this wasn't the case. I also wonder how many Americans are drawing unemployment from a job not returning. That's my primary concern.
  15. And now Japan is having a resurgence.
  16. No, but those in industries still mostly closed aren't going to have much to go back to. The economy is running well right now because the government is printing up cash, but that's going to end. Let's see how nice things are when we have 10% unemployment. Now, keep those businesses closed another 6 months and 10% would be best case scenario.
  17. Nobody doubts that the $600 per week kept the economy going, but that's not going to keep that job around and that's what the more economically nervous posters keep referring back to.
  18. When the layoffs first started I believe those affected were working across a more broad spectrum of fields, wages averaged around $75,000 for those out of work. Now, we're looking at lower paid industries still not back to work. As that link I posted earlier was showing, 2/3rds of those elgible for the increased unemployment are making more than they were previously. Not exactly the prime big spending vacation type. I think the majority of what we are seeing with spending is coming from people making upwards of $2,500 a month more now than previously.
  19. We'll find out when the $600 ends.
  20. Just how bad is the US economy and how bad will it get? Rubenstein didn't mince his words when speaking with Gillian Tetthair, Editorial Board, and Editor-at-large; "I think nobody in Washington, or in New York or any part of the United States, really knows how bad the economy is, because we don't know when we're going to come back out of the shutdown and people are going to go back to work, go back to school. Right now, the economy is as bad as anything I've seen in my lifetime of course and not since the Great Depression have we had numbers as bad." https://www.forbes.com/sites/paularmstrongtech/2020/05/12/billionaire-david-rubenstein-says-nobody-in-us-knows-how-bad-the-economy-is/#38d641f81836
  21. Well, we could make the airlines publicly owned. It wouldn't save us any money after the pillaging and waste is factored in though.
  22. I have talked to numerous people who all stated the same thing. They could see the comet tail when looking off the the side, but trying to look directly at it produced almost no naked eye visuals. Most people are only able to find it with long exposure camera shots.
  23. Too big to fail means that the company is so intertwined into the economy that closing it down would cause more damage than propping it up. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but it's the reality of 21st century economics.
  24. And the other thing, any illness can/does affect the heart. My grandmother died after getting a cold in 2007. That "cold" was almost certainly a virus or bacterial infection with a proper scientific name. Nobody cared back in 2007 about pathogen specifics, but in 2020 you better bet your butt they would/
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