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Everything posted by Jonger

  1. You can really spot the public employees from the private employees ITT.
  2. I'm going to need a link to this claim. Here's an important bit of info. Restaurants, gyms, bars, yoga studios... etc. They might be closed right now and you won't know who's really down for the count until we re-open these businesses. The employees they laid off or let go are currently sitting at home making as much as 2X what they were making while those companies are never going to re-open. The impact on the economy is actually positive right now. For now.
  3. But a recent study of 100 recovered coronavirus patients reveals 78 of them now have lasting cardiovascular damage even though a vast majority of them had mild cases of COVID-19 in the first place. If you have looked into the typical symptomatic patient, it would shock me to find they aren't already walking around with cardiovascular damage as it is. That's the thing with diabetes. It's not the diabetes itself that raises your risk of dying or having symptoms, it's the DAMAGE inflicted from the diabetes over the years that causes susceptibility. Heightened blood sugar causes inflammation in your blood vessels and that damages nerves. My sister-in-law has RAGING type 2 diabetes.... commonly walking around with 450 mg/dl every day of her life. She spends the majority of her life recovering or weathering infections. She's 450 lbs and 5' 6''. She would probably perish from COVID-19.
  4. Let's see how fake it is when I try to pay my mortgage with monopoly money.
  5. I have never met anyone who has met anyone with COVID. We would have to play a version of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon to find the link.
  6. What can I help you with today? Mortgage, a box of cereal, how about a super low price on your future casket?
  7. We're selling lobster and crab like it's going out of style lately. Not the kind of purchase that's responsible for people on a fixed budget. But... that's not going to stop me from selling it to them.
  8. It's the largest city in Michigan.
  9. Those impacted are disproportionally lower paid and minorities. The average income in Detroit is $29.4k. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/detroitcitymichigan/INC110218
  10. Bro.... No, you were not and you know it.
  11. You're not even saving 8% of the daily U.S. total deaths... and take one peek at the average person dying from this. Old, fat and almost expired as it is.
  12. Just let me wife peek at my screen for that one. She has 2 masters in business development and heads up the entire county's economic development team. She giggled. She's too nice to actually say anything.
  13. Millions to 100's of thousands. Man, you certainly never took an economics course. There's 32 MILLION businesses in the U.S.
  14. That's exactly why there are so many jobs open in the service industry that hasn't closed. Churn is high in these industries. People who didn't get laid off are still quiting (stupidly) and they can't be replaced. Try convincing someone to go back to work after you just got laid off in May and make almost twice as much as you did while working. People are gambling that those jobs will still be there. Wixom, MI used to have lobby walk-in customer access to fast-food.... all of them have closed within the last month. They had to close the lobby because they didn't have the employs to take on excess business from walk-ins. I drive a large truck a couple days a month and I figured it out finally after we progressed in opening stages and their lobbies closed later on. No employees. It's going to get scary when that $600 is shut off.
  15. The economy was mostly agriculturally based.... we're now service based. People have to eat, they don't need ALL the same frills and other services they enjoy in a good economy.
  16. Bailing out a sector of the economy is like teaching a man to fish, giving a direct cash payout to citizens is a temporary band-aid on a bigger problem.
  17. Um... this is the first one since 1918 in of note in the U.S.
  18. Almost everyone out of a job since this started is being paid more than the were while working. Most, not all. At least the ones that can least afford it and have less marketable skills.
  19. Oh, they're going to keep the $600 going, at least until we're so far in debt that our cash isn't going to be worth the paper it's written on.
  20. This is going to hammer small businesses far worse. The economy is propped up by unemployment benefits and a $2400 per week gift. End those are let me know how things turn out. Small business contributes 44% of our entire economy.
  21. Connect those dots and get back to me. Now think about what happens when the $600 gets completely cut off and extensions end.
  22. Not worth shutting down the economy over and plunging us straight into a depression.
  23. Not exactly the bubonic plague 2.0.
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