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Everything posted by Jonger

  1. Back before 2000 we seemed to have night time storms all summer long. I remember spending the summer listening to thunder rumble in the middle of the night. Those days are long gone. It's just dry now.
  2. Hold the phone there. There's a big difference between some 300 lb. 65 year old with raging uncontrolled blood sugar and myself. I'm fit as **** bro. Comorbidity... lol The NYC theory has not been tested. I'm skeptical after seeing the flat death situation in other states.
  3. Well, you're down to about 10 days before the spike should hit these states. So far nadda. The elderly and immune compromised people should quarentine and the rest of us get back to life.
  4. It was beaten back in NYC and they're already fearing it's coming back. We could be waiting years for a vaccine and even then it takes one or two mutations and we're back to square one. Let it rip.
  5. It's a comorbidity, most of those people have 1 foot in the grave. Do I wish I could snap my fingers and make it all go away? Sure. Do I think this is worth plunging us into a massive depression that could last a decade? **** no.
  6. 8,000 people die each day in the U.S. Puts things into perspective.
  7. It was a slow open even on my one week old desktop.
  8. I remember the old days when we used to have occasionally interesting weather between April and November. My weather interest has really waned.
  9. I don't think the main debate is over masks. It's whether this virus is worth destroying lives over considering the risk to the population. I'm fine with the masks, this is about forcing businesses to close and limit their business in unsustainable ways. We have some states with nearly 25% unemployment right now.
  10. This has little to do with the masks for me. This about limiting business activity and injecting fear into society for something very few need to fear.
  11. Let's see the unemployment figures once the cash runs out.
  12. My grandmother died in 2007 after she developed a nasty cold. She was 93. This is political in 2020 and that cold probably had a legit virus or bacterial cause.... just saying.
  13. This is going to destroy our way of live just to give people with 1 foot in the grave a bit of extra time on earth. I'm in Mackinaw city right now, it's clear that half of these businesses are going to be completely put out of business. This is just a small view into what's going to happen if we keep going with these restrictions. Total lockdown works in some cultures and places, but it won't work here. Almost nobody wears a mask outside once you venture away from larger cities. Just let it rip and let's build herd immunity and move on. Some people will still wear masks and stay home, but most won't. Truthfully, I would be shocked if I didn't contract it myself already.
  14. Deaths haven't risen anywhere. Wake me up when that starts and it better not be 90 year old Gertrude.
  15. I haven't worn one in weeks. Crunched the numbers and just feel like a dolt considering the fact that it's a big nothingburger where I live. This thing kills 90 year old nursing home residents and not very many of them at that. I wore one a few times when in Detroit and close by.
  16. 29 deaths in my county, 28 were nursing home residents.
  17. Everyone without a boat or pool is probably happy without the heat. Including me.
  18. Deaths still flat. Increased testing can explain the rise in cases.
  19. Livingston is being screwed over by being lumped in with Detroit. I wore a mask twice in 3 months and that was when I had to enter Wayne county businesses.
  20. That means you had more tests conducted than normal.
  21. My county has a similar population as the entire U.P and we have had around 25 deaths.... This targets people with RAGING uncontrolled diabetes and elderly folks who would have died from a light breeze blown on them. Of course out of the 100,000 people, you'll find statistical noise that makes great headlines and examples for partisans to point to.
  22. My entire county of 190,000 people has only seen 390 confirmed cased, with 26 deaths -- mostly elderly hospice patients or from nursing homes. I'm feeling pretty confident heading out without a mask or giving a damn one way or another. Our county admin is trying to reclassify our risk level with the governor due to the stats I posted above. They currently have us lumped in with metro Detroit.
  23. I'm actually enjoying the lack of traffic and reduced crowds. Large cities are probably much nicer than usual right now.
  24. 05/13/2020 06:43AM 25.29°F That beats my previous low of: 05/09/2020 07:22AM 25.34°F
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