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Everything posted by Jonger

  1. According to who? The reaper claims people in that age range all the time, especially ones in terrible health to begin with.
  2. That's like pointing to good sea ice extent and ignoring volume. The Ice!!! It's back to normal!!
  3. That just isn't true. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109867/coronavirus-death-rates-by-age-new-york-city/ There's a HUGE age component.
  4. 100,000 people die each day of old age. You're going to find that many/most of those have a secondary condition that finally does them in.
  5. The virus is simply the tipping point for people already teetering on the end. I guess we should just shut down the planet during every flu season -- because 1 death is too many. Or is that 2 deaths? 3? What's the cutoff?
  6. We had a poster try to use the old, "tell that to the X number of people who lost loved ones" card. That's a fair comparison.
  7. We just saw what happens when a virus is tracked from initial reports until it spread through the entire population. People freaked out and went 100 times further in an attempt to mitigate its spread compared to most viruses.
  8. I think we just watched our first social media driven human pathogen cycle through the population.
  9. Did you suddenly become 80+ years old with underlying medical conditions? Most people don't even show symptoms when infected. My grandmother could have been taken out by a light breeze when she was in her final year of her life. Had COVID-19 been around, she most likely would have been a victim. She died anyhow.
  10. Exactly, you could play this game with anything. It's a sham argument.
  11. You could say the same thing with the flu... if any number of deaths are unacceptable, we should shut everything down from November through July annually. I mean -- tell that to the tens of thousands of people who lose loved ones to the flu.
  12. This entire virus was overhyped. If the same scrutiny was placed on the flu every year, the numbers would be identical.
  13. Testing numbers will be essentially useless. I'm almost annoyed that people talk about them. Deaths and recoveries are more important.
  14. We didn't have any accumulation in Howell. I could see the writing on the wall for that one, no surprise here.
  15. This is why I don't care much for small snows this late in the spring.
  16. How big a factor was the lack of airplane data gathering?
  17. I doubt it. Michigan likes to hang onto politicians. If the entire state isn't engulfed in flames, they get reelected.
  18. Was it just me or was this wind event underwhelming?
  19. Not bad, but that's disappointing considering the potential. I peeked at radar a few times and could tell it was going to be below model guidance.
  20. If we went 70 more days, business bankruptcies would be through the roof. We would need a MASSIVE business bailout. My business has been cashing in so I personally can't complain.
  21. There are numerous articles about this.
  22. This is a Bo storm. Sucks I can't get away for numerous reasons.
  23. I'm glad all the hail missed me to the south.
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