If it makes anyone feel better…I got 68” of snow that season….somehow the temp rose to 102.6 in the last 40 minutes…and this is only the 3rd hottest day this year…
102! F this Sh!t. That makes 12 100+ days this year. The previous 4 years with this same instrument in the same location I had a total of zero 100 degree days. 2024 is the summer equivalent for heat that 2009-2010 was for snowfall…
102 high today. Hopefully the last one for a long time! Let’s see how the storms screw some of us over tonight! Good luck, may everyone get lots or rain! …and keep your power!
101.3 today. That is the 6th 100+ degree day this year. In the previous 4 years, with the same weather station, in the same location I had a total of zero. What da fuq!
I noticed a little brown out yesterday. Today’s outage was definitely branch down…happens all the time on fort hunt road…ironically our lines are underground but a fed from the lines on fort hunt
Nice breeze today…just enough to knock a branch onto a power line and take out the power to the neighborhood. Ok weather gods what have I done to piss you off! Whatever it is, I am sorry, truly very very sorry….currently 96 outside and 81 inside….