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Everything posted by WeatherMonger

  1. Hit 68 degrees today, warmest day since Oct. 19th. Be nice when these temps get here without the higher winds. As sad as the winter had seemed, still ended up nearly 10" above normal on snowfall. I'm ready to hear some thunder.
  2. Hit 65 degrees here today, kinda makes one forget all about winter.
  3. Ended up with about 1- 1/2". Roads were crap, it's like they don't even try to keep up anymore. Wait until it is finished then send the crews out, all schools canceled for less than 2". That never happened when I was a kid, took 4"+ and even then might be a late start but school still opened
  4. I got .85" on my measurement for this mornings wave, official airport recording was .8" Calling for 2-3" tonight, I told most to wxpect 1 1/2 or less, excluding the morning snow which would melt off, and did. I'll give winter until Palm Sunday to show itself, after that I am Spring or bust.
  5. Few hours later and it is all but gone. Temp back up to 35 and drizzle
  6. Pretty much winding down now. Average of 3 measurements is .85"
  7. Tapering off a bit, be interesting to see how much temps rebound
  8. Solid coating now on treated surfaces here at work, not sure about roads. Wooden surfaces approaching 1/2"
  9. Rates have actually allowed a coating to start on most surfaces. Temp has dropped 3 degrees as well, sitting at 33. Guessing wet bulbing is the cause. Either way wasn't expecting to see snow until late morning early afternoon, still have a forecast high if 38, which it was 38 at midnight so they wouldn't be wrong. They have 38 at 2pm in the grids, but supposed to be 4 degrees warmer currently and holding steady.
  10. Moderate snow now falling with big fat flakes. Wish this was the beginning of accumulating snow
  11. I can't complain about the trends, yet at the same time I can't put any faith into the amounts either. Kuchera on 18Z shows 4.2" yet snow depth never gets over 1.6" Figure it will be just enough for them to salt the roads and rust some more frames
  12. Waiting to see what ILX afternoon AFD looks like. Here was this mornings
  13. Slowly getting over this winter but know I have to make it to to mid April before it releases it's grips fully. Probably close to average for snowfall on the winter, but hate getting to that stat in this way, quite a bit of it fell before December.
  14. I'd say around 2 1/2", didn't hit freezing until sometime between 3 and 4 this morning so a lot of compaction and melt still took place before the flash freeze. Airport recorded 2.4" at midnight doubt we made much gains on that. At least the ground is white for this short arctic blast.
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