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Everything posted by outflow

  1. I think that is feet above sea level. The river raisen in monroe county has a gage like that as well
  2. The old state of emergency and shelter in place order ended today but she needed the state legislature approval before getting to extend it. They gave her through the end of the month bur she wanted 70 more days. Some people feel this has led to the crackdown on many activities, almost her telling everyone since i didnt get what i wanted im not letting anyone get what they want. It really has stirred up alot of people, caused a lot of confusion, and overall just adds to the current horrible atmosphere the state is in right now On tuesday there is an actual protest planned at the capital over the new orders. Protest and social distancing dont go hand n hand so i dont see it ending well if people go through with it
  3. Recall petitions are flying left and right in michigan today against govener whitmer after continuing the stay at home order and adding to it that people are no longer allowed to use any boats that are powered by a motor. Also all stores have to close off non essential merchandise areas til the end of April. This includes greenhouse and graden center which has many people upset about not able to get garden plants
  4. as a chaser and or spotter your doing a public service by helping the nws know of hazards to life and property during svr weather so would some be considered essential?
  5. Flint mi now has a city wide 9pm-6am curfew for 30 days
  6. I hope we dont see as we get into hot/humid weather more heat related illnesses and deaths from people who had the virus and have some lingering issues with lung function or just there health in genreal.
  7. Just reading and listening to people locally its clear the most are currently using the "i heard from a friends mothers cousin" method of getting information about what is happening. The amount of rumor, sensationalism, and flat out lies being spread around right now is just ridiculous and only causes more stress and anxiety for an already worn out population. So far my county hasn't had a confirmed case but lets face it most places by now are probably going to have people infected even if they are not showing symptoms. My shop still working because we make parts for essential industries. Hours have been cut to 40hrs from nearly 60 the previous week however. Im glad to be working yet to provide a distraction from the stuff above.
  8. Thats a great question. The essential workers are going to become more susceptible to illness as long hrs and contiuned stress of the job put a strain on them. Those who may have to "lockdown" for a time, what happens to there mental health? Cabin fever on steroids coupled with the constant news of more cases and deaths, not to mention loss of income,are we looking at a jump in suicides? Just a lot of unknowns out there right now
  9. Its even more important for the public to understand that since the classic idea of tornado weather to many is hot and humid, not the first warm day of spring in the 60s to 70 type weather.
  10. Euro has 12 inches of snow by Thursday, at 0 degrees next sunday morning, and by Tuesday morning mid 50s.
  11. Lake levels are going to be ridiculous this summer/fall and even more if we get a wet spring
  12. Grr with winds 55 to 60mph and a wwa for that with wrap around snow. Discounting the hrr which showed gusts to 80mph tomorrow morning. 18z gfs has the low down to 975mb
  13. Latest warning update for my county is 11-16 inches with amounts over 20 possible. Highest amount written out in a product I can remember in a long time
  14. The storm a week and a half ago tore up the shoreline up here around the tip of the thumb. Lots of collapsed seawalls and some exposed points of land lost 60 feet of length.
  15. Somewhere, probably around port Huron, will get a foot when combined with the lake effect/enhancement. They always do good early during these early ne wind events. 11-26-2002 jumps out I think they got close to 18 inches during that event
  16. I wouldn't mind a roller coaster of temps if it brings some nice deep fall lows and severe weather with them. It's been a very boring past couple months locally
  17. Grand rapids got hit pretty good 69mph gust at he airport. With the likely clearing later this morning and continued oppressive heat/humidity it isn't a good time for a metro area to have lots of possible power outages. Consumers energy has 120,000 without power in west mi currently while Detroit Edison had 50000 from earlier storms around metro detriot
  18. Might be one hell of a seiche on northern lake Mich if the line holds in strength as it crosses
  19. The strong se component to the storms would seem to favor a track maybe in the Milwaukee grand rapids corridor. I know the models that have been showing the bow racing east across the southern up and northern lower are going to be completely off
  20. Same reason November has more than Aug Sept and Oct, April and November have had large outbreaks in the past which puts them ahead of neighboring months. You end up with fewer severe weather days in those months but when they do happen they tend to be big.
  21. 18z Gfs with one hell of a 1-2 punch next week.
  22. A Detroit area gas compresser owned by consumers energy started on fire today and they are now asking customers to conserve gas useage in southeast mi.https://www.wnem.com/news/consumers-energy-is-asking-that-customer-voluntarily-reduce-gas-usage/article_24350dd4-24c4-11e9-8689-c36559e0449b.html?fbclid=IwAR3y6Y2-6NHMqw-TgFicRAA37GKS3k2PcfPRuMT2mvEuXNCwHZWfxJFPDl8
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