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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. we need a pdo shift to break 2012 https://www.nature.com/articles/nclimate3011
  2. what was wrong with donation drives?
  3. it snows no matter what these days. do you remember last winter?
  4. i'm not a "look at the pretty light snow" kind of person. ku's or torch
  5. everything written after bach and before debussy should be forgotten
  6. it's not christmas unless you hear "rockin around the christmas tree" 2,342,984 times
  7. 90% of music sucks and 100% of christmas music sucks
  8. when the current older generations die off that market is going to collapse
  9. every time a tv meteorologist says "turkey day" a puppy falls into a vat of acid
  10. another big year for snowy owls? one was spotted in bayonne http://www.startribune.com/snowy-owl-reports-coming-from-wisconsin/456452353/?section=variety
  11. even out in suburban nj the tropicals are still alive. mass carnage tomorrow
  12. just saw a dark eyed junco. fall is finally here
  13. imagine if people got this excited over fog
  14. posts that are nothing more than an outlet for some kind of depressive disorder are being auto deleted
  15. mr. sandy out to sea thinks the next storm won't be a big deal
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