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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. westerly compressing flow ahead of a BDCF is money for big heat here
  2. ewr is up to 84. this morning's nam showed a high below 80
  3. the models don't look mixed enough in the low levels tomorrow
  4. the euro might be too far north with the heavy convective rain thursday. it's pretty far north of the sfc front
  5. all time oct highs: ewr 93, nyc 94, lga 93, isp 88, bdr 89, and jfk 90
  6. considering the nam usually runs too cool in these situations we're probably a lock for 90 wednesday
  7. i'll hit 90 tues and wed. your climate is sad
  8. you weren't sent the password for unlocking the board? damn
  9. someone made the default text color white so you have to manually change it to black
  10. if there were a button for a -3 september you guys would be slamming your fists on it
  11. https://www.ssec.wisc.edu/news/articles/11039
  12. multiple warm surges followed by brief cool downs through the beginning of oct. i think at least one of them produces 90 at knyc as the park dries out more
  13. looks about the same? i wish wx websites would label the color contours on these maps
  14. the EPS has been banging that drum for days
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