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Everything posted by forkyfork

  1. think of all the poor kids being denied a december 1995
  2. you should have to explain the hypsometric equation to be able to post
  3. even in the snowy nino turnarounds we didn't get anything until late january
  4. climate change is a perfectly acceptable topic of conversation here. sorry if anyone doesn't like it
  5. does regression to the mean imply we'll start getting better decembers in the distant future? lol
  6. keep telling yourself that as you gaze over endless brown landscape <3
  7. it's better for your mental health to accept what's happening to the climate than hoping for the near impossible
  8. i hope the ski industry collapses
  9. 2009 was probably the region's last widespread white christmas
  10. just give up on ever hoping for a white christmas again if you don't live in the NNE mountains
  11. this is just funny, sry to all who are offended
  12. nino climo says any pattern change waits until mid to late january
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