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Everything posted by LVblizzard

  1. Euro came north and now gives the region 1-2” Saturday.
  2. I hear tree limbs cracking every few minutes outside my place. Hoping my power stays on here. There aren’t many outages around me yet.
  3. Got about 9” with my shoddy measuring technique. Storm is winding down now. Not looking forward to shoveling this cement.
  4. I’m at the northern end of that band right now. Coming down hard. 1-2”/hr rates.
  5. Yesterday’s 6z and 12z Euro runs busted horribly. It had 3-6” in the Poconos and they’re already approaching a foot.
  6. Much colder than modeled leading to higher ratios too. Maybe those 10:1 weenie maps weren’t so far off.
  7. Just woke up in Allentown and holy crap, we have half a foot already! And it looks like nothing but straight rippage on the radar for the next 3-4 hours. Could we hit a foot??
  8. I mean, I’ve seen snow at 41F plenty of times before. But it’s almost always some flurries from decaying lake effect bands in the fall or spring. At KOP right now every level 850mb and below is above freezing. For now, anyway.
  9. It’s raining in Allentown so I highly doubt it’s snowing in KOP.
  10. Radar filling in very nicely in MD and central PA. This thing is about to get wild in 3-4 hours!
  11. Hi-res RGEM went crazy for the LV and Poconos!
  12. I just worry we get dryslotted while the Poconos and Philly burbs both get crushed. It’s happened before and it’s a concern for me with every storm like this. You never know where the banding will set up until it actually does.
  13. And the latest RAP brings the heavy bands back into the LV. At this point it’s basically just entertainment looking at these unless there’s some crazy last minute trend.
  14. This. This is the model I choose to believe.
  15. Snow reports in Collegeville and KOP on mPING. Those have to be bogus, right?
  16. 0z runs so far are not good for the Philly burbs. 3-6” now compared to the 6-12” solutions from earlier today.
  17. Here’s the HRRR. The RAP is similar.
  18. Latest RAP and HRRR back off quite a bit. I’m getting tired…
  19. Still snowing for Philly eastward.
  20. For SE PA, yes, but the precip cutoff is well north. State College, Williamsport, and Scranton are close to heavy snow again. Not that it matters for this subforum but it’s a clear sign that the south trend has stopped for good.
  21. HRRR starting to come back north a little. Current radar supports that.
  22. Here’s the complete run. Still snowing everywhere but the Lehigh Valley at this hour.
  23. RAP continues to bullseye this entire subforum.
  24. 100% agree. Short-range meso models have been steady in their past few runs. And current radar matches up with the models’ sim radar pretty well.
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