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Everything posted by LongBeachSurfFreak

  1. You mentioned that being the snowiest station east of the Rockies. How could they possibly beat the UP of Michigan or the Tug Hill? I get the elevation but it’s pretty dry out there
  2. Unfortunately that’s one thing I don’t do. But I can promise you your absolutely fine. The ground is so warm unless we had a mid winter level arctic airmass (highs in the teens) you will be fine. But as PB said just get it done before real winter sets in, it’s not something to mess around with
  3. I just saw these posts for the first time. I too have been a big proponent Hiayan being the most intense TC ever observed. If Dvorak went to a 10 it would be a 10. We just haven’t seen another storm with a ring of cloud tops that perfectly cold. Colors usually only seen in hot towers encircled the entire eye. That and the tsunami like surge just put it in its own league. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&ei=j-D_WeHNB8WXmwHt1YXADw&sjs=3&q=typhoon+haiyan&oq=typhoon+&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.1.2.0l5.1533.8985.0.10484.
  4. Yeah first freeze in the suburbs should finish things off. The pond near my house (Mill Pond) has excellent foliage. Black Gums are first with deep red, they are done. Right now Red Maple and Sweet Gum are at peak and pretty solid. Oaks here are just starting to show some color.
  5. Biggest storms there are usually very early or late (by NY standards) I think your in for a very cold dry winter there
  6. Nice find, I’m surprised to see the somewhat bullish snow forecasts. This could easily be a clunker
  7. We had a pretty good leaf strip with the storm over the weekend here on the south shore. As in green leaves were ripped off. We are at least 2 weeks behind schedule with color change. I was sick and have been MIA so what’s up everyone!
  8. I would do anything for a satalite loop of the hurricane of 1938. I would love to know what it's actual structure was at time of landfall in NY
  9. Wow, you don't say... The coldest weather is expected in January! what a joke
  10. I think Nate is about to really surprise some people. RI tonight as he heads over the loop current. Could make a run at a major. We could even see some tropical storm gusts here with rapidly moving remnants. Just look back at what Ike did in Ohio.
  11. I figured I would through my dry post in here. Out on the island it's almost par for the course that it's dry. But it's even getting exceptionally dry here in manhattan. Newly planted shurbs that aren't irrigated have kicked the bucket and we are starting to see even established plants starting to suffer. if we some how get shafted with Nate (the good moisture stays well north) then it's going to start getting serious
  12. There is some truth to this. Rocket fuel down there. The western Caribbean is screaming let's break the low pressure record
  13. The storm that created my weather addiction. I was only 3 but I do remember it. South wantagh had tremendous tree damage. A large 70' Norway Maple in front of my house lost its entire top. It took down 3 telephone poles with it. As far as impact at my particular house it was the worst storm ever. We would have Flooded had it occurred at high tide as my elevation is 7'. We had water in the street during sandy but it never made it over the curb
  14. Surprised no one is talking about how dry it's been. Literly drying out in wantagh...
  15. I know what it measures OHC is definitly higher then shown in the Gulf Stream. It kind of shows it but I think it's more expansive then that. Tomorrow is day 7 here on Long Island of swell above 10 seconds and 4 foot. That's pretty rare around here, unfortunately this isn't California in that regard. if we make it past 10 days we are in the company of the greats like Felix 95
  16. I think that's off for the Gulf Stream but that's a pretty narrow area. Thats about the only area that's advantageous to a tropical system above 35 north
  17. It would have to thread the perfect needle for it to miss everyone. Don't forget the Bahamas's and Bermuda. Right now I would like both those places for a direct impact
  18. After reading what you guys have written I do not want to miss this. I'm thinking of driving down to North Carolina Sunday and then heading south. Everything in South Carolina is booked!!! Plus it would be nice to be somehat mobile as others have said.
  19. Exactly lee and Jeff are both cornell mets and great on camera, Amy has an environmental science degree and is ackward as fuk.
  20. I was just thinking the same thing!! The king of cold throws in the towel and then bam we have possibly our best march ever. (I'm not one to talk I threw in the towel for the coast)
  21. Compete nightmare out there the last decade!! JM would know best but I think they had over 100" in 93/94
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